Chapter 7- Casper's backstabbing plan

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Chapter 7

The next morning, we travelled back home.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you what you wanted,” Teddie repeated again.

“Teddie... As long as I have you and you have me, that’s all that matters...” I reassured. She was wearing no make-up with her hair scrunched into a bobble. She was still as gorgeous as ever.

“I feel guilty... This baby died inside me Casp... What are people going to think of me?”

“Teddie, we can always try again...” I offered.

“I’m going to seem desperate Casp...” She seemed disappointed.

“Teddie baby...” I started. “If we made it through this, we can do anything... I promise you!”

“I don’t think I can do this... Everything happens for a reason... Maybe, I’m not fit to be a mother right now...”

“You will make a perfect mum. You’re intelligent, you’ve got motivation and you’re beautiful...” I encouraged.


Teddie’s POV

He seemed to be so gentle with me. I didn’t know what to do! As we approached the village, we noticed that the main road was blocked off. Smoke was filling the sky, whilst the smell of burning struck my nose. Even after we had closed the windows, the smell filled the air in the car.

“What’s going on?” I asked Casper.

“It looks like a fire babes... So, it looks like we’ll be here for a very long time...” Casper sat back like nothing was going on. Thoughts were running through my mind.

“I’m going to have a look,” I said.

“Stay in the car...” Casper told me.

“I’m getting out!” I ignored.

“Stay in the car!” He ordered again.

“You can’t tell me what to do!” I snapped back. I don’t think he was expecting it, but I opened the door before he could lock it. I strolled down the street. I approached the blazing fire. It started to get to my chest which caused me to start coughing. I ran over to the three lads that stood there watching...

“Jessie?” I shouted. All three lads turned around.

“Why haven’t you answered your phone? I’ve been trying to call you for ages! I’ve left like millions of voice messages... I thought you were in there!” He shouted back, waving his arms about like something was my fault. Eventually, he hugged me.

“My phone was off...” I paused and stared at the vicious smoke that filled the air heavily. The air turned completely grey. “What’s happened?”

“Our house is on fire...” He told me. His hands waved in front of my eyes, to make me blink. My mouth wide open and my throat full of toxic smoke. The fire brigade had put the fire out, but the smoke still stung my eyes.

“How’s it happened?” I asked them. They all shrugged their shoulders. Ryan was speechless, so Tyson spoke,

“I don’t know... We just got back and we came back to this... The firemen said that they think someone set it a light on purpose... With a match...”

“I don’t understand why someone could do this?” My voice croakily said. Casper stood behind me with his arm around the arch of my back. The twinge of the stitches from my caesarean stung. My hand smothered it, whilst I bent over slightly in pain.

“Are you okay?” Casper asked me. Jessie panicked.

“Is it the baby?” He asked.

“We’ve lost the baby,” Casper bluntly told him. He covered his mouth and apologised for asking.

“Arrgghhh!” The pain got worse. Casper took me to the car where I sat down uncomfortably. I started crying into my hands. His hand rubbed my back gently. “This can’t get any worse! First my baby and then now... I’m homeless...”

“You can stay at mine...” He offered.

“It’s okay... I’ll find somewhere else!” I told him. Although, the pain was still slightly there, I got out of the car and walked to the front of my house again. I stood and stared...


Casper’s POV

I stood beside Teddie. Her expression was troubled, as if at any moment she would either explode into ecstasy or crumbled into despairs- and one was just as likely as the other. The pout she’d always worn, which had initially found so arresting, had now burned itself into her mouth. Her pale face... Her ginger hair had become disguised after the greyish/blackish soot from the burned down house had covered her... Her house that she grew up in... She had nothing to remember her dead mother by... All her memories now crushed to the ground... Our childhood memories and everything... I just wish life was normal. I just wish I could help and be different... I made a promise to be there for Teddie, no matter what, but my time was up... I couldn’t lie to her anymore...

“Teddie...?” I gently spoke.

“What’s up?” She turned around to me.

“I’m sorry...”

“Sorry for what?” She questioned in curiosity that something was wrong.

“It’s my entire fault...”

“Tell me!” She screamed at me. I jumped and in a panic, I told her quickly...

 “I killed it! I killed our baby!”

“What?” She seemed shocked, but I knew that I definitely had her attention.

“Yeah...” I gulped my spit.


“I dunno how it happened... I just did it...”

“Don’t blame yourself... What?” She raised her voice even more when she realised what I had just said. She sounded like she was going to explode.

“I’m not ready to be a dad...”

“Why would you do something like this? How did you do it?” She demanded answers from me.

“I only wanted you... You only Teddie...” I tried to take her hand, but she shook me off.

“Don’t touch me, okay?”


“Why don’t you get lost?”

“Listen Teddie... I killed our baby... And there’s nothing you can do about it! He’s dead now... We can get on with our lives...” My lip twitched as I pierced my eyes at her. She seemed scared of me...

“STAY away from me!” She demanded. She stepped away from me. My eyes glazed back over to the burned down house of hers. I grinned evilly to myself. I knew my plans to escape being a dad had now worked... Although, I didn’t have Teddie... My mission was now... Complete... 

He's not mine...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz