Chapter 2- A game of kiss

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Chapter 2

I and Casper got into the pool. Well... I didn’t exactly get in... Casper pushed me in. It was almost as if he was an annoying bother that I hadn’t caught up with properly for AGES! Casper wouldn’t dream of pushing someone else in the pool like that... He’s too shy... He got set up of a date once and he ended up saying all of the wrong things and everything! It turned out to be a total disaster for him! Poor thing!

“Are we just hanging around here?” I asked him, wiping the chlorine out of my eyes.

“Yes... Bobbie and Robin are getting here soon...” He told me. “Anyway, how is you and Robin?”

“We’re okay, I suppose... To be quite truthful, we’ve hardly spoke since my mum died...” I replied. The memories came swarming back into my mind.

“Aww baby!” He said, wrapping his arms across my shoulders. His arms were so strong! He tucked his other arm under my legs and carried me in the pool. I wrapped both of my arms around him until he spun around (I got dizzy,) then dunked me under the water. I closed my mouth and dragged him under with me. His fringe was flat to his forehead. My ginger hair looked light brown, but Casper still looked attractive. Like I said, he’s NOT my type and I’m totally gay. Casper stood up quickly, so did I. Then we burst out laughing.

“You div!” He shouted at me.

 “What’s up? You big girl!” I shouted back. I suppose, I dressed more ‘boyish’ than he did. He was quite feminine in the way that he dressed. He wore a denim shirt, buttoned all the way to the top (like a shirt at school,) he would wear light-blue, skin-tight jeans or chinos. He always wore vans and then a camo-jacket IF it was cold. BUT he would only wear his camo-jacket with his ‘GEEK’ t-shirt. I almost knew every clothes item in his wardrobe.

“I’m just messing...” He said. For some strange reason, Casper seemed to be staring at me an awful lot today.

“Have I got something on my face?” I asked.

“Nope,” he paused. “You look different...” ‘Was it my eyebrows or my foundation or something?’ I asked myself. For a start, I always draw my eyebrows on! I even used water-proof eyebrow pencil today.

“What d’ya mean?” I quizzed.

“You look gorgeous today,” he complimented. I smiled at him. He always said I looked nice or beautiful or something, but if my clothes didn’t match or my hair looked stupid, then he would be the first to tell me. I guess he does have better fashion sense than I do. I would wear anything even if it didn’t match properly. Ryan (my older brother) always told me that I should take fashion advice off Casper. He always looked good in his clothes, even when he wears joggers on ‘staying in’ days. He had a ‘walk-in’ wardrobe! But I suppose he gets spoilt more as he’s the only child.

“You look gorgeous too!” I returned the compliment. We always said nice things to each other. No-one cared or was really bothered because there was no chance of us being an item... You know why!

“Hey! Robin and Bobbie are here!” Casper pointed. They shouted us from the distance as we swam towards them.

“Hey beautiful gal!” Robin said to me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and squeezed me. Casper stared. “I’ve missed you sooo much baby!” We kissed quickly and then chatted.

“I’ve missed you so much too!” I replied. “How’s Bobbie settling in?” Bobbie was adopted by Robin’s parents. She was a deprived child and was beat up quite a lot by her father. She was brought up on an estate where they took drugs, smoked, drunk all day in parks and did nothing else but robs people’s homes. It’s quite a sad life to live, but Robin’s parents took the plump, pale faced girl in. Her hair was shaved at one side and she dressed like a tom boy.

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