Episode One: THE BEST WEEKEND EVER (part 2)

Start from the beginning

And just like that, the "husband" card was in play.

Neena may have been a little buzzed from the Mexican cocktails, but she had enough clarity to pivot away from a blow-up. "Of course," she said. "You're right." She was thinking now, thinking of a way to salvage the weekend, without having Alice feel like an absentee wife. "Well all he can do for tonight is sleep, right? But if he's still feeling shitty tomorrow..." Neena was quickly learning that her solution would include some sacrifice. "I mean...I guess we could skip our afternoon of renting bikes...and I guess I could cancel our dinner reservation for two." She sighed. "So...worst case scenario you'll go home tomorrow after brunch?"

In one fell swoop, Neena had cancelled fifty percent of her weekend, all in the name of her best friend's marriage. She was basically a saint, and expected a grateful hug.

What she got instead was Alice's guilty expression. Neena had known Alice for many years, and whatever it was that she was too scared to say? Neena knew she wouldn't like it. "Just say it," Neena said, making no attempt to hide her scowl.

In the meekest voice, Alice managed the following sentence: "Would you be really upset if I went home right now?"

A ripple of anger coursed through Neena's body, but she was five years removed from having an all out bitch-fest in the middle of the street. She couldn't remember exactly when it had happened, but somewhere between her late twenties and entering her early thirties, she'd come to realize that grown up BFFs were prone to the veneer of dodging conflict. So she scoffed, following it up with a smile.

"Why would I be upset?" Neena said, sounding as forced-casual as a person could sound. "In sickness and in health, right?"

Alice managed a weak smile. "Right...it's just...I know you put a lot of planning into making this weekend special. And that animated e-vite you sent...

"Oh that?" Neena said, adding in a shrug for casual effect. "I was just killing time on a rainy afternoon."

The guilt was gradually fading from Alice's face. "So you're totally sure?"

"Insanely sure!" Neena said, almost believing it now. "Why don't we grab a slice before you go?" New York's finest pizza was Neena's consolation to the sudden collapse of her weekend. As she thought about the greasy relief, she felt a sudden burning in her chest. "And probably plain cheese to take the edge off all that habanero."

The guilt that had faded from Alice's face was back and more blatant than ever. "I'd love to get a slice, but actually...the train leaves in twenty minutes." She ran her fingers through her thick curls. "I mean I'd wait for the next one...but it's not for another hour."

"Jesus just go!" Neena hadn't planned on blurting that out, but there it was, a crack in her veneer of dodging conflict. She quickly plastered over it with a smile. "It's totally cool; I promise."

Alice squeezed Neena in the tightest hug. "Thanks for understanding! Let's do another weekend soon though!"

Neena squirmed away from her and nodded. "Sounds like a plan." Before she could get another word in, Alice rushed down the street, and in seconds disappeared around the corner.

In a matter of moments, Neena's amazing weekend plans had left her alone on graffiti row. It was enough to leave her feeling like a stranger in a whole new town...


Neena crossed the vast expanse of Sixth Avenue and Canal Street, a dizzying six-way intersection on her journey home to Tribeca. She wasn't in the mood for pizza for one, and hadn't yet absorbed that her weekend had been blown to smithereens.

As she made it to the other side of the street, the burning feeling in her chest returned, as did the regret of drinking two spicy cocktails. The fluorescent light of a nearby drugstore was a beacon of healing hope, and she didn't waste a moment heading in.

Before too long, Neena stood facing a wall of esophageal remedies. It was remarkable how many options existed for a simple thing like heartburn. At the same time, she knew next to nothing about heartburn, and why would she? Up until now she'd lived an invincible life. Apparently though, the tide was turning. Apparently now it was the dawn of a brand new era, one that involved hanging out at a drugstore all alone on a Friday night.

What Neena didn't know was that she wasn't alone, but it was something she'd realize seconds later, when a scraggly old man shuffled into the aisle. He sidled up next to her and squinted at the various options.

"Acid reflux got you down?" he said.

Neena turned to him looking confused. "Is that the same thing as heartburn?"

He managed a raspy chuckle. "Amateur."

She frowned and reached for a box of antacid pills.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said.

Neena's curiosity outweighed her skeptical stare. "Why?"

"Costs the same as the others, but only half the benefits." He grabbed two bottles of Pepto-Bismol, and handed one of them to Neena. "You want the multi-symptom remedies. And this'll fix your diarrhea too."

The "d" word definitely caught Neena off guard. "I do not have diarrhea," she said. "Not in the least."

His face wrinkled into a smile. "The older we get, the harder it is to stop the flood!"

He shuffled out of the aisle, leaving Neena standing there appalled and alone.

It was hard to believe how such a promising evening could've led to the stability of her bowels being questioned. She almost wanted to laugh, but a night alone awaited her at home and there was nothing funny about it...

[So Neena's amazing weekend plans sure blew up in her face, right? But guess what, there's still a lot more of "episode one" to go, and Neena's going to have some crazy encounters before the weekend is over, hehe. Hope you're enjoying the characters and dialogue and New York City setting, keep reading and enjoy the next part!]

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