I glanced at my alarm clock seeing it was three in the morning and I didn't have to be awake for another three hours.

I quietly slipped from under the sheets and crept over to my closet to grab a pair of running shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. I changed out of the damp clothes into the new outfit.

I silently climbed down the stairway unlocking the front door, and making my way to the sidewalk.

I jogged for a few minuets until my eyes caught sight of the woods. I slowed down, smacking my feet to the ground as I halted. I stared at the clearing of trees blocking me from seeing what could be passed them.

Something screamed at the back of my mind to run straight towards them...

'What's back there?' I wondered.

I bolted towards the woods, not looking behind me. I could feel something luring me in. What it was I didn't know, but it didn't scare me for some reason...

I aimlessly jogged through the woods unsure of where I was going but my body seemed to know.

I soon stopped when I saw an old run down house in front of me. I cautiously took a few steps towards the house. I looked through the windows, or at least what's left of them, to see if I could spot someone inside. But it appeared vacant.

My legs moved on their own accord, leading me inside the house.

As I opened the door, it creaked like in those creepy horror films, and just to keep it classy I called out,

"Hello? Is any one here?"

Of course no one answered back like always.

Wood scraps and ashes decorated the wood planked floor. It creaked beneath my feet with each step I took.

An overwhelming scent of smoke wafted in my face as I entered what appeared to may of been a dining area or living room. Broken bits of chairs laid scattered on the floor.

An uneasy feeling came over me leaving me with a sick feeling in my stomache. Smoke wasn't the only thing I could smell...

Burning flesh.

I ran over into a corner and emptied the contents of my stomach. Tears stung my eyes as I leaned on the wall for support. I crossed my arms over my stomach as I picked my self off the floor.

I was left with an empty feeling inside that I just couldn't describe, in any other words but one: Loneliness.

I instinctively left the room feeling less emotional when I left it.

'How come no one took the this house down after the fire?' I questioned.

I mean, no one lives on this estate anymore so why keep the rest of what's left standing?

Suddenly a loud scream sounded from outside. Stupidly I ran out of the house to see who the scream belonged too.

But I knew that scream. Some how I recognized it...


I heard it again.

It was him, it was the man from my nightmare...

Somehow I instinctively started running towards the far left of the estate. Soon I saw a large gate that looked to be a door. I bolted down the down hill chamber pulling open the gate door.

Screams echoed off the walls as I crept down the skinny hallway.

A flashing light reflected onto the far side of the wall catching my attention.

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