Chapter 22

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Maddy's pov

I rolled over in bed trying to block out the glare coming from the sun shinning brightly into my master bedroom but it was an epic fail because I have windows on both sides of the room. Frustrated, I pulled the covers back and let my feet hit the icy cold hard wood floors. The cool morning air caused my body to shiver. I looked around the room for any trace of Carlos but came up short. I screamed out feeling so stupid for letting him get to me last night. Ugh, I just couldn't help myself everything he did to me felt so right that was the most amazing experience of my life. I only received head from one other person and it didn't compare in the slightest. That man was truly blessed with his tongue. I walked into my adjoining bathroom to handle my daily hygiene. After brushing my teeth and what not I turned on the shower to take a well needed bath. While showering tears began to cloud my vision.I couldn't believe Carlos just left me like that. I thought he was different but I should have known he would be like all the other men I have encountered. After having my little pity party I finally washed my body thoroughly then stepped out of the shower. I grabbed one of my many plush towels and wrapped it securely around my body. Since I do not have to work today then i'm going to have lunch with Ciarra. I'm not going to let Carlos ruin my day; I don't need him. I walked back into my bedroom. I went straight for the underwear drawer. I put on my all back lace bra and panties. After I put my under garments on I went to my walk in closet to find something to wear for the day. I decided on something simple. A pink maxi skirt with a white v-neck shirt and my blue jean bikers jacket. I also grabbed my gold MK sandals. Walking back into my bedroom i almost had a heart attack when I seen Carlos sitting casually on my bed with bags from Ihop. I tried to cover my exposed skin but it was pointless.

" Good morning babygirl" He said with a goofy smirk on his face. Ugh this man just know what to do to make my knees weak.

" Good morning Carlos" I repiled back softly as I began to put my clothes on. I just sat there and watched me intently. It was a bit intimidating but I would never tell him that. His ego does not need another boost.

" I thought you might be hungry, so I went to grab us some breakfast. I also went home to shower and what not; that's what took me so long to get back here in case you were wondering were I went."

He said still watching me.

" I didn't care if you stayed or left." I said lying through my teeth.

" Or really?" He said with an arched brow.

" Yes, really. You are not my man, you do not have to tell me your whereabouts."

I said sitting my jacket on the chair I had in the corner. Since it looks like i'm not going anywhere any time soon. I joined him on the bed and began eating my breakfast.

" hmmm, You could have fooled me" He said.

" And what is that suppose to mean." I retorted with a slight attitude.

" It means you are full of shit. Ever since you seen me last night you have been trying to act all hard; like you don't give a fuck bout' nun. When blind eyes can you have undeniable feelings for me. When you walked out of that closet your eyes were puffy as hell and still are because you cried when you realized I wasn't here this morning when you woke up.You can say you don't care all you want , but I know you and I know that's a lie. You love me just like I love you."

He said grabbing my chin and lifting my head so I can look into his beautiful orbs.

" Y-yyyou love me?" I questioned in a shaky voice.

" Madison, I've been in love with you since I met you. I know it may sound crazy but I mean that shit. You are nothing like the other women I have dealt with. All they want from is my money. You are different. You have your own, your independent, and beautiful. You don't need a man to make you feel like your accomplished but I know you dream of it. Just like I dream of having a woman who loves me for me and not what I can do for them; when I look at you I see the love in your eyes madison. I know you have been hurt but I promise you I'm nothing like those young niggahs you are use to messing with. I'm ready to love you. I want you and only you if you are willing to give me the chance."

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