Chapter 20 part II

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Maddy's pov

I had to get away from him everything just became so overwhelming for me. I never thought I would see him again and now we are about to become business partners. I wiggled my way out of Carlos's embrace (ugh it sounds so weird to call him that) and rush to the bathroom to get myself together. I grabbed a few napkins and wet them with water to clean my face. I reapplied my eyeliner and a little blush to my face so it would not look so noticeable that I had been crying. Once I got myself together I exited the bathroom. I will just have to put on a fake smile to get through the night. Once our partnership is made official i'm out of here. I can't face Carlos and won't.

After a little more socializing it was finally time to make our partnership complete. Me and Ciarra along with Carlos took the stage and the Speaker for the evening welcomed us. We all said a few words before the speaker finally announced White's corporation and MC Dance Studios. as new found partners. It really was a great feeling but I was not really into it. I was ready to go home and drown all of my sorrows away with some wine. After everyone shook hands the deed was done. I quickly walked off stage with Ciarra trailing behind me.

" Maddison , where are you rushing off to." She asked.

" Home" I simply replied.

" But why? You should be celebrating this new accomplishment." She said.

" I'm just not in the mood okay" 

" Why , because of Mr.White? Come on Maddy you should be happy he's back in your life. Isn't that what you always wanted?" She asked. It was what I wanted but now I don't know so I just decided not to reply.

" So your just going to stand there and look at me crazy." She asked.

" What do you want me to say Ciarra? I just want to go home please."

" fine , but we will talk later."

" okay, I love you." I said kissing her cheek.

" Mhmm" She said swatting at me to get away from her. I just giggled as I walk quickly away to the nearest exit.

Once I was outside I gave the valet my ticket so he could go get my car. When he pulled around in my car I barely gave him time enough to get out before I got in and sped away trying to get home as quickly as possible. When I finally arrived home I exited my pink BMW and went into my Very nice two story home. I went up to my bed room and took  off my heels and dress then proceeded into my adjoining bathroom to take a much needed shower. I let my hair get wet and everything. Once I was finished with my shower I exited my bathroom and went to my dresser to retrieve some underwear. I put on my lace pink and white bra and panties set from Victoria secret and put on my pink silk robe. ( yes I love pink) After I was finished I went downstairs and opened a new bottle of wine. I planned on drinking the whole thing while watching movies on Netflix. 

As I was watching the Disney classic Anastasia my thoughts kept drifting to Carlos. I never thought I would see this man again and when I came up to me at the banquet all of my emotions for him came rushing back. I have loved this man since I was 18 years old and that feeling has never went away. He is the only man  I've ever truly loved but I can't pursue anything with him because for one it would be bad for business and two I don't want to go through another heartbreak.  I know he will break my heart all the men I have been with have broken my heart and I can do without anymore heart breaks. I would love to be with Carlos but I know it will never work or maybe I just keep telling myself that so I won't have to open my heart up again. Either way there will never be an us. I'm sure of it. I took a big gulp of my red wine and continued to watch Anastasia.

Carlos pov 

back at the banquet

After White's corporation and MC Dance Studios made their partnership complete I was determine to talk to Maddison but unfortunately I got caught up talking to some of my colleagues who thought this  was a very good move for business. I did't want to be rude but I really needed to find Maddison. I politely excused myself from the conversation after a few more minutes and started looking around for maddy. After searching for a good 15 minutes I finally gave up there was no doubt that she had already left. So I set out to find the next best thing Ciarra. I found her with one of my other former students Eric and they seemed  to be a couple. I've seen Eric on TV for playing football so I know he's doing well for himself and so is his wife. Which is a very good thing I commend Ciarra for still working even though its apparent she doesn't have to. That lets me know that she's not with him for the money and really cares for him I walked up to the duo and let my presence be know by shaking hands with Eric first out of respect. We talked and caught up for a few moments before I asked him could I borrow his lovely wife to talk about some important business. It wast a complete lie Maddison is important to me.

" What is so important that we had to talk in private about." Ciarra asked getting straight to the point.

" I was looking for Maddison but its clear to me that she left and I was wondering could you give me her number and address. I really need to talk to her." I said

" No"

" No, what do you mean no? Come on Ciarra I don't have time to play with you this shit is important." I snapped losing my patience with her.

" Don't get snappy with me old man." She said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

" Are you going to help me or not lil girl? I can find out what I need to know on my own but decided it would be easier just to ask you." I said with a smirk on my face now.

" Ughhhhh, okay but if she asks I didn't tell you shit. You hear me pops."

" Girl, we only for years apart stop acting like i'm your dad's age or some." I laughed and she did to.

" I'm just messing with you." She said.

She gave me the info I need and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her. She swatted me away which made me laugh.

" You and Maddison love putting y'all mouth on folks. Y'all gone make my made choke me out." She said jokingly. I just continued to laugh.

" Oh and Carlos be gentle with her. She has been hurt many times and she is not very trusting of men. So if she gives you a hard time ignore it. I know she loves you she always has. So don't get discourage she can be very stubborn and you better not hurt her because then you'll have to deal with me." She said.

" Thanks, I'll take all of that into consideration." 

I said as I made my way to the exit.

Once I was outside my driver for the night pulled up and drove me home to get my own car. When I arrived home I quickly went upstairs to change out of my dress clothes. I took and quick shower then put on some polo sweats with a wife beater. I put on polo socks then slid my feet into my nike slides. I ran back downstairs to grab my car keys. I Locked my doors then proceeded to my candy red range rover. Maddison is the only woman I ever really loved and I will not lose her for a second time. God gave me a second chance with her and i'm going to make sure she doesn't slip from my grasp again. I typed her address in that I got from Ciarra and sped all the way across town. Love will make you do crazy things I swear but its worth it for her.

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- mikeytaa

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