Chapter 14 : Twisted Logic

Start from the beginning

She really needed to deal with these troublesome feelings soon.


When Akashi was about to pick up her bag, she noticed that the zipper was slightly opened. She was sure she closed it properly; she always does. Who could've been brave–foolish enough to mess with her bag? She checked her things, but none was missing except for a single notebook. Akashi went back to her classroom; she just had a hunch that the culprit would show up there. She had always been right with her hunches.

Akashi reached her classroom and went inside to lean against her table facing the door. She instantly shoot a glare towards the door when her ears picked up the sound of footsteps.

"Looking for this?"

"Haizaki," she said calmly, but deadly. Haizaki leaned against the door with her notebook in hand. "Actually, I was waiting for you,"

"Too smart," Haizaki scoffed, "Smart girls can be boring you know that?" he went inside the classroom taking slow steps. Akashi just kept a straight face; against this guy showing any sign of weakness was the moment you lose. Not that she has weakness.

The silver-haired teen placed her notebook at the table in front of her. "You're so quiet, why? Too scared to even speak?"

"Too scared? Can you even hear yourself?" she asked still with a neutral expression crossing her arms against her chest.

Haizaki quickly went in front of her pushing her against the table she was leaning on with their legs between each other. Akashi had to uncross her arms to support her weight against the table as his body pressed against her. There was no place to move for the redhead. She cursed the slow reflexes of her current state. Haizaki held her wrists tightly.

"What now? Waiting for your knight in shining armor to come?" he whispered to her ear. His breath tickled her, but it wasn't pleasant.

The next thing he did made Akashi consider the thousand kinds of torture he deserved before he goes through the doors of death. His lips captured hers as his hands went from her wrists to her face holding it still as he kissed her. She tried to push him away but he just forced his lips deeper on her. His kiss was rough and forceful. It made her shudder when she felt his tongue trace her lips.

She mustered all her strength and succeeded in pushing him away before he could finish tracing her lips; the table behind him was pushed by his weight. Her breath was ragged and deep; her shoulders rose and fell with every breath. She quickly grabbed the nearest sharp object –which just happens to be a pair of scissors in her desk.

"Hey, I was just curious how you taste like!" Haizaki explained as if it would save him from the redhead's wrath. Akashi's mind was too clouded to even listen. "Or were you saving that for Captain?"

Without further ado, she assaulted him with the scissors and managed to make a cut across his cheek even when he evaded her attack. Haizaki however, didn't seem threatened, if any, he seemed even more amused. Blood had started come out of his cut and hurt like hell, but it didn't stop the smile that was creeping on his face. He's mad.

"The next one won't be a miss," she warned him. She looked at him darkly; she almost seemed like a different person. Her eyes were devoid of any emotion except anger.

"Eh? But I could give you a better kiss if you as--"

"And I could give you a better beating if you try," Nijimura's voice was accompanied with heavy footsteps. He stood between the two with his face frighteningly calm. He immediately noticed the cut on Haizaki's cheek and the scissors in her hands. What the hell?

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