1: Our Worst Nightmare.....

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The sun was shining, birds were chirping, from His post, Toby could hear the children playing in the streets. It was a great place to be stationed. He even was close enough to talk with Umer! "You wanna hit the showers early?" Umer asked,light heartedly, slapping Toby on the back "You work too hard bro." Toby let a faint smile come from his mouth "Yeah I know, but there's still an hour left in our shifts, what a titan breaks through the-" "Toby, A titan hasn't gotten into the walls in 100 years, whats gonna let it get in now?" Umer interrupted. "Besides, you haven't talked to Julie since graduation. None of us Have even SEEN Mary since the uniform handout. and we are meeting up with Lorenzo and Henry tonight for Dinner! We should go get ready!" Toby Zoned out in thought. Umer was right. The last time Him and Julie were with each other was when they sat together as carriages took them to get fitted for a cadet uniform. and Mary had suddenly vanished when he came out of the fitting room, the tailor said she was put right into the job. that didn't surprise him, Mary was the Top student in their class, She always bragged to Toby, he came in second in the class. followed by Umer. "Maybe you're right Umer, but we cant abandon our post,what if something happens? I wouldn't be able to live with my self if one of those kids down there got eaten......" Umer Quickly jumped in before his buddy went into depression about titans again "Toby, lookout there. you see that wall? that's what stands between us and them. as long as the garrison regimen does their job. then we are safe to do ours." Not even ten seconds after Umer Tried to calm his friend down, The two boys heard the zipping and Whirring Of ODM Gear And Generals Barking Orders behind them. A girl with brown curly hair and pigtails landed on their roof top along with two other boys "Mary? Henry? Lorenzo? Whats going on?" Mary Spoke up,"Shiganshina is breached, titans are coming through as we speak." "What?!?" Umer bursted out in terror. "But that's impossible!" Toby Butted in, "No it isn't.....They're in....No...this is terrible..." Mary broke the exchange of depression. "All available soldiers are ordered to report for squad dispatch. we need to keep them from the actual wall, if the break through wall Maria, we wont have enough land to support the population."

"I hate to break up this awkward moment" said Henry, BUT TITANS ARE POURING INTO SHIGANSHINA! WE NEED TO MOVE NOW!" Toby and Umer Unstrapped their gas tanks from their back and Fueled up their ODM gear. "Ready to roll!" Shouted Umer. Toby looked back at the two boys in the street, watching their mother pick them up and run farther into the walls. "I cant let them die. Even if it kills me in the process, i have to protect them. The kids, their mother....Everyone.......I Have to keep them safe...." The ODM Gear Roared to life, and the massive group of cadets zipped across the sky to the Shiganshina District Border, Mary In the lead. She Thought to Herself "Deep Breaths.....This is What they Trained you for..." The entire group Raced towards the smoke and screams, completely unaware of what they were about to witness.

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