Years Later

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"Come on, guys! We gonna be late for school!" A girl yells with short black hair and brown eyes.

"I'm trying, Sara. Malik, lets go!" Yugi yells as he grabs his book bag.

"I'm coming! Its Joey that won't hurry up!" Malik came out with Joey running after him.

"Shut up! Sara cooks really good food!" Joey said. Sara locks the door and they began running towards the school.

A few minutes later they made to the school. They began running in the hallways just as they turn the corner they crashed into someone. Sara and her gang got off them.

"Sorry!" Sara said as they grabbed their things and ran to the classroom. The bell rungs as they sat down in the back. Each having a blush on their face.

"I can't believe we ran into them. Them! They're like the most popular boys in the school. And we're just nerds and losers." Joey said. They nodded.

"Who are we kidding. They'll never like us." Malik said as they sigh. The same boys they were talking about came in and the girls went crazy. Sara and the gang blushed and looked away as the boys sat down. The teacher came in and class started.

~What do you all think? Should I do a sequel or no? Comment, vote, or whatever.~

An Egyptian LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora