Good Luck, My sweet girl and Friend

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Sarah growls as a woman appeared. Her white wings shuffled before folding back. She had short black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. She was wear a green one strap dress that reaches her ankles and was barefoot with a silver ankle bracelet on her left foot.

"In case you're wondering, I found out about that spell you used on my daughter." The man said.

"How is your arm?" The woman asked smirking. The man growls as he touches his left shoulder where his most of his arm was missing.

"Fine until that bitch ripped it off. What did you do with my arm?" The man asked glaring at Sarah. Sarah smiles darkly as the air temperature drops.

"I ate it and it was good." Sarah said as her pupil bleeds into the iris turning it black. The woman hummed as she smiles hearing the man growls.

"I guess that spell I use worn off. Then agian, when I had you most of my magic went to you including your father's." The woman said clearly stating that she is Sarah's mother and the man is Sarah's father.

"No wonder the magic was off!" The man said. Sarah laughs as casts a spell bounding her dad in chains.

"Let me go, you worthless brat! I give you everything you wanted and this is how you repay me!" Her dad yells.

"You tried to rape my mom after you locked me in the basement." Sarah said. The woman glares at her husband.

"That's what that noise was! You said it was a cat!" The woman yells. The woman nods to Sarah and she smiles. Sarah summons a knife and throws it at her dad. The knife redirected and and embeds itself in the man's right thigh. Sarah growls.

"That's enough. We need the whole story. Guards, take this man to the dungeons." The pharaoh siad and the man was dragged out of the throne room still in chains. Eve walks up to Sarah's mom. The woman nods to Eve. Sarah calms downs and her eyes turns back to dark brown. Sarah turns to her mom and Eve.

"We have to go, Sarah. You will always be my best friend." Eve said as they hugged.

"I know. You too." Sarah said as they let go. The woman steps up and they hugged.

"I love you so much. I'm so sorry I did this to you. You will always be my sweet baby girl." Her mom said as they let go.

"I know, mom. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm proud to have you as my mother." Sarah said. Her mom takes of a necklace and places the silver necklace in Sarah's hand. Sarah looks down at it and back up.

"But this is yours." Sarah said. Her mom shook her head.

"I meant to give this to you for your birthday, but I died before I could. Happy early birthday, Sarah." Her mom said as James came over. Sarah smiles then Jason comes over and picks up the necklace.

"Hey!" Sarah said as she turns around and jumped up and down to get her gift back.

"Bye, Sarah. And good luck with my job." Eve said as her mom shakes her head laughing.

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Eve. Bye, James." Sarah said turning her head to them then back to Jason and resumes jumping. James nods his head and smiles as James, her mom, and Eve fades away.

"No fair! You're taller then me!" Sarah whines as she glares at Jason. Her magic lashes out and destroys a vase startling everyone. As Sarah was looking at the destroyed vase, Jason quickly puts the necklace around Sarah's neck.

"Uh...was that me?" Sarah asked.

"I think so." Jason said.

"We will resume the man's punishment if he cooperates. Bakura, Marik. You two will try and get the information out of him. Sarah, you will tell us everything that had happen to you and friends, but first get some rest. Dismiss." The pharaoh said. They nodded. Bakura and Marik grin as they ran towards the dungeons where the man is.

"If that man is killed. I no longer claim him as my father. He lost that title long ago." Sarah said as Jason walks her the her room unaware it was heard by Bukura and Marik.

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