Off To War

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Ra shines though the window of a room. A ray shines into Jason's face causing him to wake up. Jason sits up and stretches.

"Shit!" Jason said as he winced. He looks over at Sarah and smiles. Sarah was laying on her stomach with her back exposed and her messy hair everywhere. He pulls the covers up covering her and gets off the bed. Jason takes a bath and gets dress.

"I should tell Isis about me and Sarah." Jason said to himself as he walks out. A few minutes later Jason knocks on the medic door. Isis opens it and lets him in.

"Morning, Isis. Do you have anything for scratches or cuts?" Jason asked. Isis nods as Jason sits down on one of the beds and takes off the top art of his tunic. Isis's eyes widen and got to works.

"What did you do?" Isis asked as Jason grunted in pain.

"Well let's just say Sarah has one hell of a grip with her hands. It hurts. Ow." Jason said as he hissed. Isis shook her head.

"Oh, did not want to know "that" information on what you two did last night. Sorry." Isis said with a light pink blush on her cheeks.

"I guess she was loud." Jason said as his blush darken a bit.

"Done. Be careful and get out!" Isis said. Jason hugs her and ran off hearing" kids, these days." Jason laughs a bit as he enters Sarah's room. Jason writes a note and places it on his side of her bed with a rose. Jason left the room and stops at the room. He goes back in and pecks Sarah's lips. Sarah smiles in her sleep as she snuggles deeper into the covers. Jason slips out of the room.

"You ready?" A familiar deep voice said. Jason turns around to see Yami, Bakura, Marik, and Seto standing there. Jason nods.

"I hope Sarah is not mad at me." Jason said as the walked off getting ready to go to war.

"All of our lovers is still asleep." Seto said as Jason nods. Soon the army was ready in an hour or so.

"Lets move out!" Yami yells and they started moving. By the time Ra was risen high in the sky and they were out of sight, just as their lovers were waking up.

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