To The Palace

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"Get in there, slave!" A man yells as he throws a girl down into the room where the other slaves were. A girl falls to the ground. She had short black hair, dark brown eyes, and pale skin.

"Sarah!" Yugi yells softly. The girl sits up a bit.

"Ow." Sarah said as she coughs. Joey helps her up as he winced from looking at her back.

"I'm fine, guys. Joey, can you get the bandages? Malik, help me to my bed. Yugi and Ryou, help me with my dress." Sarah said and Joey nods as he went to the corner of their room where the bandages are. Malik helps Sarah over to her bed and keeps her sitting up. Yugi and Ryou helped with the rope holding her dress together. Untying the rope, the dress loosen and they gently took it off leaving Sarah exposed. The guys didn't blush seeing how they did this many times. They got use to seeing Sarah naked. Sarah sat on her knees as Joey came over with the bandages. Malik and Yugi helps Joey with the bandages as Ryou wages away the blood from the whips.

"That cut on your leg reopened agian." Malik said as he wraps her lower leg as Yugi wraps her upper arm. Joey finishes with Sarah's back. They help her lay down. The few hours later night had came. The same man came slamming the door open. Sarah gets up as Joey and Malik gets in front of Sarah, Yugi, and Ryou.

"Get up! You five are going to the palace!" He yells then leaves. They get up helping Sarah. They walk out and gets into the wagon. The man starts leading the horse, who is pulling the wagon, down the dirt road to the palace. Yugi looks over at Sarah and sees her brown eyes red, her skin is bronze from the moon shining, and her hair was dark brown. Sarah was taking the bandages of her arm and leg. The cuts were gone.

"Hey, Eve. How is Sarah?" Yugi asked softly not wanting to be heard by their master. Joey, Malik, and Ryou looks at her.

"Still in pain. It will take a few weeks until she heals. Did you guys fkind anything in the master's room or the book self that can separate me and Sarah?" Eve asked. They all shook their heads.

"I know Sarah is our friend and we will help her. Maybe the palace might have something." Ryou said. Eve felt happy.

"Sarah is happy you guys are going to try." Eve said. They smiled and went to sleep.

An Egyptian Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن