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I sighed once again when I realised that this wasn't a dream, I was actually headed off to university. I know that's something to be excited about but not in my world, because I was headed to university not by choice, but because it is mandatory. You have to do your five years.

Let me elaborate...

Hi everyone, I'm Avery, otherwise known as Aves by my one and only(literally only) best friend; Laura. And yes I am a werewolf.

Werewolf University - An institution for adolescent werewolves to help them find their place in the werewolf world.

A.k.a Camp Death.

You can relax, no one actually dies there...I think anyways. and yeah I said camp 'cause it's in the middle of freakin' nowhere!
Anyhow, as much as my father assured me I have nothing to worry about, I can't help but feel a bit uneasy. That nickname didn't come from 'nothing to worry about'.

The whole 'werewolf school' thing was the werewolf committee's idea to better the overall standard of mental and physical well-being in a pack, because the strength of the pack is measured by each and every individual wolf. So they figured, stronger and better wolves make for better packs, simple mathematics. I read this in a book, the idea was initialised way before my time to prepare for a supposed war raging, we've been waiting hundreds of years, come on!

Sure it did make our packs stronger and taught us discipline, but its five years of your life for crying out loud! Five years that you'll never get back.

In the first year of Uni, they test you for every single skill known to werewolves. Then at the end of your first year you graduate into one of six categories where they train you accordingly. The six ranks are:

1. Packmember - This is a nice term which basically means you're an epic fail. You're just there in the pack, just making the number of werewolves larger. You basically failed university, but there's no do-overs. You're training is over and you're given a job to do in one of the packs around the world and you do it without question.

2. Maiden - This is the female version of Packmember, they just teach you to prepare meals for the rest of the pack and that's what you'll be doing for the rest of your life.

3. Warrior - These are the werewolves protecting your backside so you better be nice. They are the ones who basically made it, their not royalty but their definitely not sheep poop. They passed the field tests but still fail to be leaders, they're trained to protect and care, but they fight mean. They say if you graduate your first year a warrior and make it through the next year of warrior training, one of the final tests is you have to kill someone in order to continue the program.

4. Beta - A beta has all the qualities of an alpha but is just not as great, you're basically missing a secret ingredient. It's like getting a B on a report card, you're satisfied but you wished you would have worked harder, so close! The beta is also in charge when the alpha/luna is not around. There is two beta's, one beta for the alpha and one for the luna.

5. Luna - The luna is the female alpha, to become a luna you have to have leadership qualities and also you need to know how to defend yourself, really well. To be ranked a luna by graduating is a huge deal, most luna's become luna by default - get mated to an alpha. Because of this high standards expected of females most females become house maidens.

6. Alpha - Ah, the alpha, the top dog of top dog's. Everyone wants to be an alpha, yet only a few make it, and by a few I mean two or three. To become the ultimate alpha you have to have the whole package. I'm talking speed, agility, mental and physical fitness, endurance and an authorative persona. You HAVE to have alpha written in your DNA to become one, because an alpha has certain characteristics that you just can't learn. The alpha also has to be powerful, strong and ruthless.

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