Chapter 4

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I saw her,My Wish came true..

" Never knew I would see you again " I told her

" so..sorry hmm you must be mistaken am not the person..." She tells me but my sister cuts her off.

" Miss are you ok ? "My sister asks

Then she nods but for some reason she's been beating around the bush every time I speak to she avoiding me ? What did I do ? Questions suddenly overloads in my head. Then it was recess when I was about to get inside the class cause I
forgot something I hear some stuff and Mira was..I think being bullied...I hurry inside see what was the commotion about. I was right I saw her crowded and being beaten by the girls and she can't even speak. I was shock not even a single guy helped her out. I then shout.

" LET HER BE ! "                                

Then the girls look at me. As the girls spread out...I..saw...I saw..Mira unconscious my eyes got big by the shock. As I carry her I heard the girls murmur but I didn't care and just rush to go to the clinic. Later the nurse in the clinic told me if I knew any of her relatives. I said no. I just waited for her to wake up but while waiting I was holding her hand. Wishing for her to wake up..

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