"You're better when you're happy," Shippo said.

"I know,"

"So you're from Kagome's time?"

"Yeah, but I lived somewhere different,"

"Kagome goes back sometimes to get stuff or when she's mad at InuYasha,"

"What does she bring back?"

"Um..food and clothes. Sometimes she brings a treat!"

"A treat?" Selena looked through her bag and took something out,"You mean this?" It was a giant colorful lollipop. His eyes brightened.

"Yeah! Those are really good!"

"Here. Have it,"Selena grinned. Shippo grabbed the lollipop.

"Thanks alot!"

"You're welcome,"she chuckled.

"We should head into the hut we're staying at,"Shippo jumped and ran towards the village. Selena sighed and got up. When Selena got into the hut, everyone was already eating. The village leader was there as well with a young girl carried by a man.

"Hi,"Selena said as she sat down. The girl's stare was empty. "Uh..why is she like that?" Selena asked.

"The village leader needs help," Kagome responded.

"Uh..with out?"Selena asked confused.

"One day his daughter was fine but got sick and died. He saw something in her room. A creature took out her soul," Miroku explained,"Most likely a soul eating demon,"

"Or Kikyo's soul collectors,"Sango added. InuYasha's ears twitched. Kagome began to look uncomfortable. "Opps,"Sango said.

"Who is Kikyo?'the village leader asked.

"Someone who uses the souls of dead girls to survive,"Kagome answered.

"So my daughter's soul won't come back?"the village leaders voice sounded broken.

"Sadly, no,"responded Miroku.

"Oh my poor daughter,"The village leader's eyes teared up as he saw his daughter's body.

"I shall help you have a proper burial,"offered Miroku.

"Thank you, kind monk,"the leader bowed. Selena held back a laugh. Miroku may seem all kind and great but he swindles people and he's a major pervert.

"What's funny?"asked Miroku.

"Nothing,"smiled Selena. Sango also held back a laugh while InuYasha rolled his eyes at Miroku.

"I'll get the burial ready,"The leader left the hut with the man carrying his daughter's lifeless body.

"Nice sob story but we don't have time for that!"InuYasha snapped.

"Come on. Don't be mean,"Kagome said."His daughter died and her soul was taken,"

"Not my problem,"InuYasha coldly responded.

"It is your women's!"Kagome replied angrily.

"My women?"InuYasha asked confused.

"Don't act stupid, I'm talking about Kikyo!"

"Kikyo? You're always telling me I bring her up but this time it was you," Kagome gave him a cold stare.

"InuYasha.."Kagome began softly,"SIT!!"

"Augh!"InuYasha yelped as he did a face plant. Kagome stormed out of the hut. Selena followed after her.

"Kagome,wait up!"Selena ran up to Kagome."Calm down!"

"I hate him!"Kagome yelled. She clenched her fists."He's such a..."

"Kagome..you're the one who brought her up,"Selena said.

"I..oh right,"Kagome fell on her knees,"I despise Kikyo and I resent Inuyasha for caring more for her than me,"

"But Inuyasha is with you right now,right?"

"Yeah,"Kagome replied.

"Then that should make you happy,"

"You're right,"

"At least you have the guy you love with you,"


Koga sat on a rock with two wolves by his side. His two main comrades walked up to him,"Hey ,Koga,"one said,"Is something on your mind?"

"No.."Koga responded."Now leave me alone,"

"Alright,"they said they ran off.

"Why?"Koga began,"Why can't I get you out of my head, Selena?"

The Girl and the Wolf(InuYasha fanfiction)  {EDITING}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora