Extra: "Turn up, Michele!"

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I held the Polaroid camera in my hands. Smiling, I approached Austin's bed quietly. I didn't want to wake him up. Guess what we were celebrating? His birthday. I snapped a picture before it came out. I placed it on his night stand while I grabbed the marker I had with me. I wrote a quote from one of my favorite books to finish off.

As cliché as it sounds, I spend the night before with Alex and Tori in my apartment writing down the many things I loved about Austin. I wanted to give him something he would appreciate on his birthday. We had come down to thirty but we used twenty. Tori helped me pick the pictures to place around Austin's apartment while Alex picked the right places to do so.

Before I could place the picture back on his nightstand I felt a pair of hands pull me forward landing on top of something. I groaned before looking up. I shook my head as I turned to look at Austin. His eyes were open while a sleepy smile crept on his face.

"What are you doing here at nine in the morning, Callianne?" I shrugged.

"I thought maybe I could surprise you." He hummed.

"You surprise me every single day, you know that right?" I chuckled before placing the Polaroid camera on the nightstand as well. "What are you up to?"

"Well, I remembered it's someone's birthday so I thought maybe I could surprise him." He let out laugh before sitting up. I moved to the side so he could stretch. He rubbed his eyes before turning to look at his room. I noticed the smile on his face as he noticed the balloons hanging from the ceiling.

"You did all of this?" I shrugged.

"Alex and Tori helped me." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I looked down at my lap. I felt weight leave the bed and looked up. Austin stood by the wall where there was a paper that said start.

"Should I read them out loud?" He turned around to look at me. I shrugged. And it began.

"Thirty things I love about Austin Mahone:

#1. I love the way you looked at me the first time you saw me.

#2. I love the mess you made in my basement.

#3. I love the way you looked in old clothes.

#4. I love the way we can talk about anything.

#5. I love how great you got along with my sister.

#6. I love the fact that you were my little secret during senior year.

#7. I love how you looked when you fell asleep.

#8. I love the way you positioned yourself to read my books.

#9. I love when you wrap your arms around me.

#10. I love the way our hands fit together.

#11. I love how your hair looks when you wake up.

#12. I love when you eat pizza by yourself.

#13. I love how you treat Michele like the queen she is.

#14. I love the way you try to cheer up your friends.

#15. I love the way you try to seduce me with your moves.

#16. I love how you make Mahomies cry and smile at the same time.

#17. I love when you tell me how important it is to keep dreaming.

#18. I love when you come at my door in the mornings and tell me I still look beautiful.

#19. I love the way you smile when you look at me.

You're turning eighteen but I wanted to add another reason and let you know something you don't know about myself."

"The other reason is on your night stand." He turned to look at me before walking over to his nightstand. He grabbed the picture and turned it over.

"I fell in love with you the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." A smiled showed on his face before he turned to look at me. "TFIOS?"

"One of the best." He stared at the picture again before throwing himself on the bed. He rolled onto his back with his eyes closed.

"Calli?" I hummed. "Come here."

"What are you going to do?" He didn't answer. He gestured his hand motioning for me to go over. I scooted closer. "I'm here."

"Come here!" I let out a shriek as he wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me towards him before rolling over. I shut my eyes and opened them to see Austin staring down at me.

"Uh, Austin, you're kind of hurting me." He smiled before leaning down to peck my lips. I kissed back before placing my hand on his cheek. "Happy birthday Austin!"

"Thank you beautiful. Thank you for the pictures, balloons, your support, for everything. Thank you Calli." He kissed my forehead before looking down at me again.

"I'm always going to be here for you." He nodded before leaning down to kiss me again. I turned my head away. "You can't kiss me."

"Why?" I turned to look at him with a smirk on my face.

"Turn up Austin!" Then it began, the silly string war. Austin rolled off me giving me access to stand up. I walked over to Tori as she handed me a can of silly string.

We decided to empty each one of the cans we bought. Austin was constantly telling us to stop but we decided to ignore him. We were almost finishing the box when Michele entered the room telling us to stop. Her hands were on her hip while her face remained serious.

"Are you guys serious?" We all turned to look at her. "I thought I said that you could do the whole balloon thing but no messing around."

"Uh, mom?" She turned to look at Austin with the same expression as before. "Can you turn around?"

"Uh, yeah." She slowly turned around. I watched as Austin grabbed a can of silly string before snapping his fingers at Alex.

"Turn up Michele!" And the silly string went straight to Michele Mahone's hair.

Hello! If you read this story and completed, I wanted you to know that I will be adding 5 or 6 extra chapters as if it was a sequel to Lost. The chapters were originally part of what was supposed to be the sequel which I didn't write because I knew that Lost is as good as it is. I am also posting this extra chapters because, well, Lost will be hitting 10k reads soon enough and it really means a lot to me.

If you like any of the chapters comment or vote!

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