I had no idea how to use the power of no. But he knew the power of yes, and he knew how to use it.

The whip. His fists. His feet. Everything, came out to play.

But he didn't r*pe me.

Not this time.

I woke up on grass, beneath a mocking blue sky, a strange man kneeling between my legs with what looked like a rusty knife. I was completely naked. The moment I started to move, panicking, hands held me down and a gag was stuffed into my mouth. They didn't have the decency to knock me out again. Instead, he let me go through all the pain of having a knife shoved up through my parts and fished around. I begged silently for darkness, for unconsciousness to take over and release me from the pain but. It never came.

I bled for a month after that. Every miniscule movement one huge explosion of pain that out did anything they'd ever done to me. I suddenly found myself with a newfound respect for the women back in the day who I had been told at some point, would willingly go through backyard abortions with a coat hanger. It was a bitter, bloody and pain soaked respect, but respect nonetheless.

I was useless to him after that. When I healed enough to stand he sold me. He didn't want someone who limped with every step she took and screamed like a banshee with every touch he gave her. He had preferred it when I had been quiet as he took me.

I met the new girl briefly, and cried when I saw how young she looked. I hoped for her sake, that she couldn't have children, and that if something could go right for her. That it would be her death. Quick, smooth and painless.

Death was so much better than the alternative.


'Off. Off, now, Lara.' I gasped, shoving her off of me as I fought for breath.

'Bridge, God are you okay?'

I rolled onto my side, curling into the foetal position and counted my breaths, trying to slow my heart rate and stop the images in my head.

'God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, fucking hell, please.' I whimpered, struggling to control myself.

I could feel Lara touching my back, hear her voice but couldn't make out the words. I was rocking, struggling for air and unable to find any.

'Bridgett, breathe, please Sweetie, you're okay. It's okay, I'm sorry. Please come back to me, Bridge, come back.' Her forehead was resting on my shoulder as I rocked, 'C'mon, Baby, you're okay. Just breathe okay? Just breathe, it's okay. It's okay.'

'God, oh God.' I continued to whimper, barely hearing Lara's pleas.

She'd been kissing me, hands roaming when it hit me. That image of one of the men, the one with the spider tattoo on his cheek. I saw him touching me, taunting me, and I broke like a thousand times before.

It was Lara but all I could see was Spider Cheek. All I could feel was his greasy hands touching me.

Lara's touch, her special touch I had come to love had suddenly warped into my nightmare.

It took longer than usual to slow my breathing and see Lara again instead of that tattoo. It was my first attack in ages.

'Bridgett? Come on, Sweetie, answer me, please? Bridgett, please. You're okay, it's okay.'

'Lara.' I whispered, rubbing my wrists where I'd dug my nails in. 'I'm okay.'

'Thank God, Bridgett. I'm sorry, tell me what I did, I won't do it again, I swear.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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