Getting A Boyfriend

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You: *tells your childhood 2P friend that you got a boyfriend*

2P!America: Huh? ...You gotta be shitting me?? You, you managed to get a boyfriend??!? *laughs teasingly* What, did you pay him to date you? Pffff, nah I'm kiddin'. If there's ever any problems, just lemme know and I'll kick his ass for ya, got it?~

2P!China: *sour look* That's no fair... How come you can get someone to date you but I can't?! Seriously, you need to tell me how girls work...

2P!England: Ah, that's quite lovely, poppet! I am so happy for you!~ *grabs your hands, leans in* You must allow me to bake you a celebratory cake, ooh you must!! And you can share it with your boyfriend and he could feed you; gosh wouldn't that be just adorable??!!!!? <3333333

2P!France: ......,,,,, *blows out smoke from his cigarette* I give it about... two weeks or so.

2P!Russia: *raises eyebrow* Oh... I wish you the best, then.

2P!Italy: *rolls eyes* Oh, gross. Don't make out with him in front of me, got it?

2P!Germany: Huh, no way?? What's his name, so I can find him and tell him embarrassing stories about you????

2P!Japan: *unaffected* Congratulations.

2P!Canada: Huh- *rare protective side comes out* Where can I find him so I can give him the shotgun talk eh?

2P!Romano: *sCREAMS* OMG OMG GIRL *grabs you excitedly* How come you never told me earlier?? Is he cute??? Where'd you meet him???? And holy crapola tell him if he breaks my best friend's heart then he is going downnnnnn blah blah blah...,,,,,

2P!Austria: *pounces on you* May I perform experiments on him? :DDDDDD

2P!Prussia: *his entire world crashes and burns around him, his soul practically flies out of his body* Oh.... I see........... Well, I'm happy that you are happy....,,,,,,,,,

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