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 He left me and to think I was going to tell him who I truly was. He and his family don't deserve to know that I'm a Vampire.

I'm not like the Cold Ones. I'm more like the ones from the myths. I can be killed by a stake through the heart, water, and steel weaken me, Vervain and the sun, burn me. I can also sleep and eat.

I guess it's time to move once more. I walk out of the woods where Fuckward left me and back to Charlie Swan's house. Charlie's not actually my father. I don't know who my father is. All I know of my real family is that I am the daughter of Katerina Petrova. I was born in a town right outside of Mystic Falls, Virginia in 1865. My birth given name is Isabel Petrova. I recently went about using the name Isabella Marie Swan, Bella for short. My mother told me before she left for my protection and that I am a Pureblood Vampire. That makes me an abomination to witches due to the fact I cause an unbalance in nature.

As for Charlie, he is under compulsion to believe I am his daughter. The truth is he doesn't have a daughter and never was married to Renee. He was just a human in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The fun part is that I'm going to compel everyone in this small town to believe I never existed. I arrive in front of the house that has been my home for a year now.

I walk inside and find Charlie in his recliner watching some sports team and drinking a beer.

"Hi, Dad, sorry I'm late I was dealing with Edward," I say sweetly.

I'm clearly not acting "myself". He doesn't notice.

"Hey Bells, glad you're home safely," he states awkwardly.

I giggle silently. He may not be my actual father, but we did become close. I walk over to where he is sitting and look into his eyes.

"You will forget everything about Renee and I. You never had a daughter and you will start ingesting vervain daily," I say and watch his pupils dilate before he's repeating what I said.

"I never had a daughter and I will start to ingest vervain daily," Charlie repeats in a monotone.

I run upstairs quickly and pack my belongings. I change into my normal clothes instead of the dreaded clothes I've been wearing while I was acting human. This includes baggy shirts, jeans, and a pair of worn out Converse. I only dressed this way, so I appeared to be timid and shy.

My new outfit consists of a maroon top, black jeans, black leather jacket, and black heeled ankle boots. I leave on my Lapis Lazuli ring that protects me from the sun. I also put on my red ruby flower choker necklace. I look at my reflection in the full-length mirror. My long raven black hair is in its natural curls and my bright blue eyes sparkle. I get the naturally curly hair from my mother, so I guess I got the black hair and blue eyes from my father.

Grabbing my bags, I jump out the window and head over to my really old and slow red truck. I really need to get a new car.

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