Chapter 2|Being recruited

Start from the beginning

"When is your next assignment anyway?" Alana asks following my lead walking next to me

I shrug "He hasn't told me. He said I get a week off from all of the work I put in"


"What?!" I screech looking at my mother and father in disbelief

"Your the best on the team Bexley. They requested you!" My mother sighs softly

"I don't want to go! I don't want to be killed if I fuck up on the job" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air

"Bexley watch your tone" my father warns in his deep voice causing me to retreat instantly

My mother sighs taking a step forward "Honey, if this wasn't important, we wouldn't send you. But it is the king of werewolves we are talking about here. They requested you to be their assassin. No one else. You. Bexley Valentina"

I sigh rubbing my face, I wasn't ready to take on a big responsibility. If it were for any other pack, fine, but its for the damn Alpha King. The meanest and deadlist wolf of them all. If I screw up I'm fucking dead. And I don't want to die

"Sweetheart, they've watched you for months. They like what they see. Your being recruited up to the big leagues kid" my father chuckles trying to lighten my tension. I look at them really not wanting to go. But I know I'd be forced into it either way

"So they're taking my twin away?" A sad voice says from behind us in the door way. I close my eyes biting my lip

"Baby, your sister has been requested to be the Alpha King's assassin" my mother says softly, Blake looks at us sadly. Even though we fight, we were the closet, being twins and all, we've never been separated for more than a day in 17 years.

"I always knew my sister was special" Blake smiles a little. I force myself to smile the best I could pulling him into my arms about to cry. It was hard to see him sad as we all knew that the Alpha King was across the world in England and we were in the United States.

"I love you" I whisper in his ear a tear slipping from my cheek

"I love you too" he whispers back. I clentch my jaw not wanting to let go. This was like me saying goodbye forever because I don't know when I will get to see them again

"You have to be at the airport tomorrow at 5 in the morning. They do not want to waste anytime" My dad adds in, I clentch my jaw harder my grip on Blake tightening. I'm only 17, I don't want to leave home yet

We will still have the pack link bex

Blake says sadly in my head. I nod a little letting go finally, I hug Grayson and Alex. Each goodbye just as hard as the last. It was already 10 p.m. not realizing how late alana and I stayed out. I didn't have much time left.

"Can Alana come over?" I ask quietly not wanting to leave without saying goodbye to her

"Actually... Alana has been requested as well.." My mother adds in with a hopeful smile. I narrow my eyes looking at her not sure I heard correctly

"Wait what?"

"They want Alana as well.. They know she is also an assassin, plus they didn't want to rip you away from home completely" My father smiles a little. My wolf howls for joy knowing my best friend gets to come but I frown

"How come Blake can't come?" I ask looking at them

"We don't know sweetheart... I'm sorry" mom says softly looking at me apologetically, I look at blake frowning, he just smiles sadly letting me know its Okay.

"Is my-"

I begin but my mom cuts me off "I already packed everything you will need. Its already being shipped to England"

I sigh nodding a little "Your mother was excited to know that her daughter is wanted by the highest authority" my father chuckles. I nod understandingly rubbing my hands on my jeans

I pout slightly, I didn't like that I had to drop everything from this life to go and be apart of another life. I respect the Alpha King I do, but its just that... I hate how he expected everything to be given to him when he asked. In the werewolf kingdom their are different packs. The Alpha Kings pack just so happened to be the strongest. They could wipe out anyone they want, and they could take anyone they wanted.

And rumors were starting to go around saying that there is a group rallying up to rebel against the Alpha King and take him out. And the group was made of all Alpha's. So I'm being hired to stop that group at the root of the problem.

"Ok honey, let's get you to bed. We don't want the Alpha Kings assassin to be tired on the job" Mom says breaking me out of my mind, I sigh quietly looking at her and my brothers as I was led upstairs


I hear my brothers chime in my head. I smile saying goodnight going into my room. Looking over at the clock I see that its 10:30.

I go to my bathroom hopping in the shower,  using my favorite hair wash and body wash I climb out of the shower drying off. humming quietly, I make my way over to my closet my body being tightly secured with the towel.

I pull out a tank top and a pair of booty shorts. Sliding them on, I then dry off my hair with my towel.

"Owe.." I grumble my fingers getting caught in my wet tangly hair. I sigh deciding to leave it as is. I put my towel on the rack behind the bathroom door walking back to my bed

I don't even know what the freaking Alpha King looks like. So how the hell am I suppose to be the assassin? I do know about their pack and what their capable of but I do not know what the current alpha looks like. I just got to put on an act of being tough. Don't let anyone see my weak side, not that I let anyone now... But I can't let myself get pushed around while trying not to get myself killed.

That was the fastest sleep I have ever had.. It felt as if I barely just lied down and then five minutes later my mom was waking me up telling me it was time to go.

I wanted to just go to the plane in sweats and a sweater but noooooo.. I had to look freaking nice for the damn werewolf royalty. Once they see me I'm not going to be very happy with them.

"Can't I just finish on the plane mom?" I whine leaning against the back of the drivers chair

"Yes. Yes you can, you have a long flight ahead of you" my father says cutting my mom off before she could speak. I smile contently as I sit back running a hand through my naturally dark curly hair looking out the window. Mom woke me up at 3:30 and forced me to wear a pencil skirt and nice blouse with heels. Which I was mad at cause I wanted to be comfortable on the 16 hour plane ride. And right now we are currently on our way to the airport. It being just me and my parents. I didn't want any of my brothers coming because then it would be to hard to say goodbye.

Alana was going to meet us at the airport with her dad. He was just as excited as my mom knowing that his only child is wanted by the Alpha King. While alana and I were content knowing that we would have each other.

"You excited dear?" Mom asks bringing me back. I look at her sighing softly

"I guess" I mumble looking around not seeing my father. But then I realize that he was putting my luggage on the moving thingy so it gets put on the plane. I sigh looking at my mom

"Your going to be amazing my love. Don't worry about a thing" my mom smiles. I smile softly tearing up a little

"I'm going to miss you" I whisper trying not to cry. My mom sees the tears her smile turning sad

"Oh baby girl" she whispers pulling me into her warm, comforting hug that I loved so much.

"You'll be just fine.. Your my brave little warrior" mom says softly in my ear rubbing my back soothingly. I whimper softly a tear escaping my eye. This is really happening, I'm about to move across the world to be an assassin for werewolf royalty..

Am I ready?

The Alpha King's Deadly MateWhere stories live. Discover now