chapter 9~ Cold hearted angel

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if i was just a usual girl i would've freaked out real bad right now but i guess I'm not normal.yeah Ive read stuffs about their kinds before,you know my father keeps a lot of books in the house related to this kind of stuffs and i usually read them when i get bored.

the shocking thing for me was they had powers.that's something you don't get to see everyday right? aigoo~ my head kinda hurts with all this vampires stuffs.i think i need fresh air.

i got out of my room and made my way outside,actually the garden here was located in front of his room.when you open the window you'll see the view of the whole garden.yeah his.luhan's.trying to take a peek to his window i tiptoed and stepped on the huge rock formation beside the roses.the blinds were shut,i let out a heavy sigh.i guess his already asleep.

my heart is pounding again just by the thought of him.its not like this isn't the first time it happened to me since i had a relationship before,if you would ask me if i truly loved that person i would answer yes directly.he was really special to me until this very day i still feel the same way but with luhan its extremely a hundred more times stronger than that feeling before.

its like trying to escape reality when I'm with him,being with him just feels so unreal.its like a fairytale happening before my eyes.he looks like a night in shining armor if he would've loosen up a bit.i really find him strange,he acts so mean around know? you get me right?

apparently I'm having a crush on him,yes i admit my defeat i fell for the cold hearted angel luhan.



the six vampires huddled up inside kris' room,of course it would've been his room and no one else because he's the leader after all.

"i thought you said that this isnt the time for her to know about us? why did you tell her?" tao asked while fondling through his phone,maybe he's texting one of her girlfriends.

kris sat up from his bed and took tao's phone away from him and threw it outside the window.

" first of all.stop flirting with girls already its bad and second its not my fault that she walked in on me and angelica " kris glared at tao and tao just pouted like a little kid.

" so she already know's the truth eh? duizzhang~ can we use our powers openly now that she knows?" chen.

" hm.. i guess we can." kris said and the boys cheered.actually they were all thinking about the same thing which is showing off to jirim~

after they finished cheering and all that luhan and lay went outside without the others noticing.they shared glances to each other and they went to jirim's room and they were surprised that she isn't there,lying asleep.

" hmm... maybe she decided to take a walk for a while~" lay faced luhan and showed him his angelic smile and luhan nodded in return.

" are you sure that she's gonna be fine ??" luhan was astounded when he knew about jirim fainting right there and then but decided not to show his true feelings again.he don't want jirim to think that he's head over heels with her.

" yeah I'm sure she will be just fine~dont worry too much." lay patted luhan's shoulder and started to walk towards the door.

"see you tomorrow morning luhan~ you should sleep now,i'll go ahead and have unicorn dreams " so yeah~lay stormed off to go to sleep and get some unicorn dreams leaving luhan inside jirim's room.

he wondered around through her things and smelled her clothes,yeah luhan is a weirdo~ a weirdo for jirim~

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