" Back To Work" - Spencers POV

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" After a long day, it's great to sit back and relax, not just alone, but with company," I murmured to myself as I watched the glass doors, I waited patiently for Jamie to come back, I was probably too focused to even notice that Derek was coming over to me, but when I heard his voice break through to me, I looked up at him and focused on his voice.
" Waiting for Jamie Pretty boy?" Derek asked me as I looked at him.
" Well yes, I am, she's been gone long," I answered, not caring for the nickname he gave me, I saw a smirk on his face, but I ignored it, what I didn't know was that Jamie right behind me.
Once I turned around she jumped at me and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck,  I jumped a little bit in surprise and fright, but I soon relaxed and smiled I turned my head to ask her a question, but I had to keep my mouth shut as Hotch came past on the stairs.
" De-briefing room, now," Hotch says, he practically glared at me as he looked over all of us.
" Yes sir," Jamie says and I almost laugh, but unfortunately again i kept my mouth shut.
" Okay Pretty Boy Jr. let's go, Pretty Boy follow us," Derek says, I smiled at the nickname he gave Jamie, and she had only been here for a couple of hours.
" Oh a new nickname already? Great," Jamie says with a smile as she let me go, which I wish she hadn't, but I smiled anyways, I got up.
Derek walked towards the room, Jamie followed him and I followed behind, JJ, Kate, Penelope and Rossi were already in there, but the three or well two of us didn't care as we took our seats. I sat in my seat next to Rossi, Jamie sat next to me, and Derek sat in his seat on her other side.

" The Mayfly killer," Penelope started as we all got situated and spoke for a few minutes.
" The May who what?" Derek asked as he glanced at Penelope.
" The Mayfly killer Moron," Jamie answered and I snickered.
" Don't snicker at me Pretty Boy," Derek says with a slight warning look.
" Over the past few months, The Mayfly Killer has struck over half of Baltimore, Maryland," Penelope completely continued, she glanced at Jamie thankfully.
Jamie nods lightly and she listened to Penelope.
" Half of Baltimore?" JJ asked.
" Yes, half of Baltimore," Penelope answered.
" And all of these victims are different women of a large Law Firm of Maryland," Penelope continues, " And the FBI of Maryland are asking for our help," Penelope finished, as she did she flipped through the many images of lawyer women.
Jamie looked at the photos intently and then I see her eyes go wide, I leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Do you know one of them?".
" Yes, I know actually two of them, I lived in Maryland for a while before coming here and I worked in the same law firm as them," Jamie answered.
" Which ones do you know?" Hotchner asked her as she grabbed one of the files from the tall stack, she then began to read through all of them quicker then I would be.
" Mrs. Kacy Jones, Mrs. Jennifer Kragen and actually one of these is a male and his name is Owen Ryan-Hotchner, my twin brother, he's one of the others I do know but it's not showing that he's dead," Jamie replies as she stopped at three of them.
" Owen Ryan-Hotchner? Isn't he married?" Hotchner asked her as she looked up.
" Yes, his husbands name is Keith Ryan-Hotchner, I have met him and he is just wonderful," Jamie answered but she was soon back into the case.
" Was Owen found dead?" JJ asked Penelope.
" No, he was found to be missing from his home, he was called in missing the morning  the day after the others were killed, his husband called in saying Owen was missing, police in Maryland have been searching every home possible in hope to find the missing mayor," Penelope answers JJ.
Everyone's eyes widened and me, Jamie and Rossi all looked at them with a raised eyebrow.
" Owen is the mayor?" Kate asked as she looked at Jamie, me and Rossi.
" Yep, we've known this for a while now," Rossi answered.
" Okay wheels up in ten," Hotchner says as he stood and grabbed the files.
" Sir?" Penelope asked.
" Your coming with Penelope," Hotchner replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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