" Why did you do it?" - My POV

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I walked out of the clutter of offices, as I retreated, I could feel Spencer's eyes on me, but I didn't turn around to look at him, all my attention was focused on Meg Callahan, Kate Callahans adopted daughter.
As I reached the parking lot, I walked to my car and I climbed into it, I yawned and stretched, I glanced at the building before I grabbed my keys and put them into the ignition, I turned the key to start the car and the engine came to life. I put my seatbelt on and then I pulled out of the parking space and out of the parking lot.

Minutes later

I arrived at my destination and looked at the school, I sighed and shook my head, unbuckling my seat and turning off my car, I began to think and check my phone.
Putting the car keys into my pocket, I climbed out and walked around my car, heading up the walkway towards the school, I sighed.


I walked into the principals office with my hair up and my jacket on, I looked at the principal, " Is Meg okay?" I asked as I stepped into her office.
" She's fine," the principal answered.
" What happened?" I asked as he looked at me.
" She was found skipping class and smoking in the restrooms with her friend Markalya," the principal answers.
" Meg Callhan and Markalya Davis!" I scolded loudly, which scared Meg and Markalya, who sat on chairs in the corner of the principals office.
" Mind telling me why you two were found skipping class and found smoking in the restrooms?" I asked them both when I came over to them.
" It felt cool Miss Hotchner, we did it because we felt and it felt cool," Markalya says as she glanced up at me before looking down again.
" It felt cool? Smoking is not cool Markalya, it causes lung disease and you could die from it, you two are grounded, and before you say anything Markalya, I already called your mother and guess what you two are staying with me for the week, I will pick you too and from school, and I'm having two of my secret service friends follow you around, they're both girls and they take no excuses, not even periods as an excuse," I growl slightly at the two, I look at the principal and I flash him a smile, " I'm sorry that they caused you so much trouble Justin," I say to him as I turned back to the girls.
" It's fine Miss Hotchner," Justin says as he smiled back at me.
Meg and Markayla stood up and they grabbed they're bags.
" You two are suspended from school for one day," Justin said as we left.
" They should be suspended for a week," commented the vice principal, she looked at me as I left with the two girls flanking my sides.
I sighed and shook my head, " You two are going to be in big trouble for the week and weekend," I say as we reached outside.
" I know Auntie Jamie, but please, don't make us work," Meg says.
" Nothing is gonna work Meg, you went too far this time," I say.
" But?" Meg says.
" But nothing," I answered opening the back door for Markayla and Meg, they climbed in and sighed.
I gave them a glare before pulling out my phone and contacting both they're parents, my eyes strayed to the children in the car, they looked at me and smiled nicely at me, wanting out of course, I shook my head and I spoke with both parents separately, and quickly under ten seconds. Before getting into my car, I looked through my contacts and I oddly found Dr. Spencer Reid's number, I clicked on it to call him, and after seconds he answered.
" Agent J. Hotchner, I see you've found my number on your phone?" Spencer Reid spoke.
" How did you even get my phone?" I asked, I walked around my car until I opened the drivers side and I climbed in.
" In Vegas, we can steal anything easily and put things back easily," Spencer Reid cockily answered me.
" I'll see you back at work soon okay Reid, bye," I said before ending the call, not allowing him to say goodbye.

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