Chapter 12 - Rocking the Hat and the Whip

Start from the beginning

            Landon looked at me, his head leaning back on the chair. “What were you studying in?”

 “Ancient History.” I smiled a little. “I wanted to be the sexy female version of Indiana Jones.”

Landon laughed. “I could totally see you pulling that one off.”

“It would have been epic…” I trailed, sighing contently. Me, rocking the hat and the whip, finding treasures and killing Nazis along the way. Yeah, that would have been an epic career path.

            We stayed silent for a few minutes after that, drinking our beer—or well, bubbly water, really, stupid beer had barely any alcohol in it—and looked up at the sky. Now, of course we were in the middle of a very bright city, the city that never slept, so there weren’t really any stars to look at, but still, the bright buildings were nice to look at.

“So, how’s it going with your boyfriend?” Landon asked, breaking the nice silence.

I rolled my eyes. “How’s it going with your girlfriend?”

“Ex-girlfriend,” Stranger-Danger boy corrected.

“And non-boyfriend,” I pointed out. But then I don’t know why, I had to tell him. “He asked about you actually.”

“How so?”

“Wanted to know if we had sex.”

Landon smiled. “What’d you say?”

I smiled too. “I said the only thing I could answer, of course, I said we were childhood sweethearts, star crossed lovers, and eternal soul mates.”

“Nice” he answered and chuckled before taking another sip of beer. “It’s kind of complicated to explain what we are though, our relationship whatever this is” he motioned to me and him with his beer as he said that last part and added, “is without status.”

“That’s kind of the same problem I have with Victor. Our relationship, is also without status.”

“What? He’s afraid to commit?”

“No, he’s not the one that doesn’t want our relationship to move forward, that’s all me.”

The boy beside me was suddenly very confused. “Why?”

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “Because when that happens, it makes it…” I took a deep breath, thinking about it, “real, serious, like, for reals, I could be with that guy for a while and thinking back, I never got in a relationship with a guy when I didn’t know it wasn’t going to last.”

Landon let that sink in for a second before saying, “Well, all relationship have their issues, for instance, I was too sexy for my ex.”

I laughed. “Same reason you got fired? People were tired of seeing you with clothes on?”

Instead of getting a witty reply though, as I had expected, I got a frown and a “No, it’s more complex than that.”

I snorted and bumped his shoulder with my beer. “Well, spill it.”

“I don’t know…” he trailed and took a deep breath, “it’ll make things all serious and as magnificent as your boobs are, it’ll make us undeniably closer.”

Very welcomed compliment about my boobs aside, my curiosity was quite teased right there. Fancy stripper boy was going to need to spill the beans. “I motorboated your ass. I think you can hardly get more intimate.”

Landon laughed and groaned at the same time, throwing his head back in defeat. “Fine. You ever wondered what I was doing in the hospital that day we met?”

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