Chapter Four { Posh Black Suit Incorporated }

Start from the beginning

He'd barely been sat down ten minutes when the phone in question had buzzed eagerly in his pocket, the vibration and message tone completely different to his own, and he had found out about the whole situation. The male didn't need an explanation, he simply knew just what the curly haired boy had done, and he sighed in exhaustion.

He needed his phone due to his contacts and emails that were on there, and plus his homescreen was organised perfectly to how he thought it should be, Zayn couldn't bear the thought of getting a new phone just to go through all of that scuffle all over again.

His marbled eyes looked down at the screen and recognised the missed calls from his own number, and so he promptly dialled and readied himself. He could have been working, but instead he felt like he was playing that game with toddlers where you tie string to cups and talk through them. He decided that that was what it was like talking to Harry full stop, before the boy in question answered.

"Zayn Malik speaking, posh black suit business incorporated, how can I help?" His voice chimed happily through the phone, and Zayn was glad that his office door was shut so his assistant wouldn't have been able to hear.

"Firstly, we're a shares business, figures and numbers. And why do you have my phone?" He tiredly replied, his hand holding his chin up as he leaned against the dark wood of his desk.

His office was fairly modern, large white chairs for his clients to sit across him in, large windows and décor that was designer. The desk had been his Father's first desk, and a good luck charm to his son when he had first started.

"Well why do you have my phone?" Harry simply replied down the phone, the smirk that was most probably on his lips ingrained into Zayn's poor brain.

"Because you switched them around." Zayn replied almost as simply, except he wasn't smirking.

"If you know that then why do you ask? I think you should work at silly suit incorporated, Mr Silly Suit." The boy giggled down the phone.

Zayn could have slammed his head against the wood in annoyance, but his hand remained firmly on his chin.

"Look, just come down to the firm and give me my phone, you ask the front desk downstairs for me and they'll give you instructions, now grab a paper and pen." Zayn instructed, before he waited as the boy started humming and mumbling to himself, before he told Zayn that he had grabbed a pen.

"We don't have paper so I'll write it on my hand." He stated, causing Zayn's eyebrow to rise slightly.

"Go to the business quarter of the city, by the's a building right next to the large bank, Malik and Associates, you can't miss it." He informed the lad, before figuring out that he may as well get an online map and send it to him on his own phone, knowing that the boy would need it.

If he had an online map and directions, it would probably keep him from calling for guidance, and it could mean he could get on with some work as he waited for the boy's appearance.

"I'm going to tell my assistant to expect you, you got all that?" Zayn asked once again, as he presumed the boy was scribbly sentences down his own arm.

"Er, think so...when's your lunch break?" He replied.

"Twelve on the dot, why?"

"I'll come then, I'm in bed and I can't be arsed to get out of it until atleast eleven. See you then, silly." Harry sang down the phone, before the call was cut short, and Zayn could only pray that his morning would pass by quickly as he set out finding a map to send to the boy.

It was the out of curiosity he started to poke around on Harry's phone, just glancing through the amount of texts that were waiting for him from his own phone, in the other boy's hands. They consisted of a range of messages, questions of if he had found the phone and if he thought that Harry was very cute and cunning. There were some random emojis sent in solo messages, as well as being accompanied by a message that was purely,

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