"Insert Cool Superhero Name Here"

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Bang. The sound bounced off the alley walls as the gun was fired. I did not have enough to move before I felt the small bullet slicing through the muscles in my leg. I froze, or maybe the world froze around me. But for one second nothing moved, nothing breathed. There was just silence. I looked up to meet the eyes of the man who had just shot me. His evil, non-repented eyes smirked back at me and those eyes were the last thing I saw before pain took over me, erupting from my leg and moving everywhere. It was so intense that I could no longer stand and I felt myself falling to the cool floor of the alley.

The pain was controlling me, slowing taking my consciousness away, but before I blacked out I found myself looking once again at the man. This man who I had never seen before, who had chased me into this dark lifeless alley and had shot me though I had never done anything to provoke him. I found him standing above me smirking down on me. But soon I could no longer see that smirk because the edges of my sight were fading away with my consciousness. I struggled to keep my eyes open to see what he was going to do to me but even with my eyes wide open I could only see small tunnels in my vision and the rest was blackness. But I could see him leaning closer and closer to my fallen body. Through my pain I felt him grab my leg above where he shot me. I tried to scream from the agony of him grabbing my wounded leg, but he only laughed and squeezed tighter making it all the more unbearable. My sight glazed over and I gave into the welcoming nothingness but I couldn’t help myself from looking over at the man one last time. It was so hard to see; nothing was looking right. But he held something in his had, an undistinguishable something that he was moving closer and closer to my wound. As I felt a another sharp pain in my leg I realized what it was he held. The contents of the syringe reached the arteries in my leg searing them and eating them away. I felt it slowly eat them and this time I screamed out as loud as I could from this fire-y unimaginable incomparable pain. And I did not have to think about it any longer. Darkness took me and I finally had the blessings of unconsciousness.

Chapter 1


My eyes flashed wide open and I jumped up screaming for my dear life. I stood ready to run; that is until my head hit something hard and I fell back down onto something very bouncy.

All I wanna do is (BANG BANG BANG BANG!)


And take all your money

A shaky laugh escaped my lips as I looked over at my alarm clock finally realizing I was back in my room. I hit the snooze button with a shaky hand not wanting to listen to that song anymore. I fell back down into my bed letting myself take a few minutes to just breath. I was actually kind of baffled as to why I was so scared when I heard the gun shots in Paper Planes. That had never happened before-it was one of my favorite songs. I tried to shake off my uneasiness as I got out of bed and started to walk to the bathroom down the hall to get ready for school.

“Ugh” I muttered as I put pressure on my left leg. It felt like I might have pulled a muscle or something, all I knew is that it was killing me to walk on it. But that was weird because I hadn’t done anything physical yesterday.

After showering and dressing I grabbed my bag. Since no one had bothered me this morning I figured I was once again home alone. My dad had a bad tendency to leave for business trips without telling me. Which meant I no longer had a ride to school and therefore I was left to walk.

It takes me twenty-five minutes to walk to school, and on sunny days like this one that meant I showed up sweaty and miserable. Not to mention my leg was still killing me.

As I locked up my apartment I took a moment to finally look at my leg before leaving. I bent down and rolled up my skinny jeans, which wasn’t an easy task might I add. What I saw shocked me. My leg was perfect, completely without blemish which couldn’t be possible because even without whatever I did to hurt my leg, I still had huge bruises on my leg yesterday. I always had bruises everywhere since I bruise easily, a bad gift I gained from my mom. Plus I ran into stuff a lot. But there was not a single bruise on my leg. Not even any razor burn despite the fact I shaved yesterday and there was defiantly razor burn then. My leg was without blemish. So of course I quickly rolled up my other pant leg. This time what I saw had me audibly gasping. The long scar that went down my inner knee to my ankle that I’d had since I was seven was no longer there.

I quickly rolled down my pant legs not wanting to see the sight any more. It was just a coincidence that my body decided to heal all my bruises and scars at the exact same time. Nothing more.

So I stood back up and continued to walk to school ignoring the thoughts in my head that were telling me something was obviously wrong. But I couldn’t ignore the fact that my left leg no longer hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2011 ⏰

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