That part is fun.

"Alright, guys. You know what tomorrow is. Get some rest." Esther says.

"What is tomorrow?" Kirstie asks.

"The morning show, remember? And then we've gotta start packing for London." Avi says.

"Oh, right. I'm tired." She says and looks down.

Avi kisses her forehead. "We'll be at the hotel soon."

We pile into the van and have minimal conversation due to our exhaustion.

I resist the urge to hold Scott's hand and subtly blow him a kiss before we go into our separate rooms.

I crawl into my bed and cut off my light.

I've been so exhausted.

I want to be able to be public with Scott again.

I want our relationship to be right.

I pull my covers over my head and scroll through tumblr.

Before I know it, an hour had passed and I could barely keep my eyes open.

I put my phone on the charger and close my eyes.

I smile and think about what happened today and how much I've missed those sweet lips of his.

Just one more day. You can do it.

I close my eyes and fall into a deep, much needed sleep.

*Scott's POV*




"UghhhHhGHHHHH" I groan and shut my phone up.

Shut my phone up....

Shut... my phone...

Okay, enough of that. Today is the day that I can be with Mitch again.

I mean, not that I'm like bursting with excitement, pssshhh, never.


I stand up out of bed and stretch, going into the bathroom to get ready.

I quietly brush my teeth and wash my face, as Avi is still sleeping.

I put on a little foundation and do my hair all wavy.

After I do my face and hair, I put on my clothes and wake up Avi.

"It's 6. You have an hour to do stuff." I say as I shake him awake.

"Huh? Oh, thanks." He says and stretches.

His voice is very deep in the morning.

I head down to breakfast and make myself a waffle, my crutches getting caught in the elevator door on the way down.

Just a little while longer until I'm definitely strong enough.

"Hey, Scott." Kirstie says and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, Kit."

"I'm sleepy." She says while getting some cereal.

"Me too."

"I'm gonna go sit down." She says and walks away slowly.

I watch her out of the corner of my eye as she walks to a table.

I'm worried about her.

Mitch walks up beside me.

Hey. He subtly signs to me.

Hey Mitch.

I miss you.

I miss you too.

One more day.

I know.

I love you.

I love you, too.

We walk back to the table and sit at opposite ends.

I want our relationship to be right.

Start OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora