New Chapter.

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A/N: Hey guys! So I found out that I can't write anymore...

Lmao gotcha here's a chapter.


*Scott's POV*

"...He's fine. He should wake up soon."

Am I...

Am I alive?

I take a deep breath and feel oxygen going into my lungs.

Yep, I'm alive.

That wasn't the plan.

I hear quiet mumbling in the room and feel someone sitting beside the bed.

I slide my hand slowly towards theirs.

He- Mitch, I presume- jumps and gasps.

"He... moved!" He yells.

Yes, I did. Good job.

Another person moves.


"His hand." Mitch says and grabs my hand.

"Did he move?" Asks Kirstie, I assume.

She comes over to me. "Scott... please wake up. We need you."

I am trying.

I squeeze Mitch's hand.

"He squeezed my hand." Mitch says quietly.

I take in another deep breath.

My heart monitor starts beeping.

"His oxygen is going up!" Who I assume is Kevin exclaims.

I think that's a good thing?

"I'll call a nurse." Avi(?) says.

I manage to open an eye once my oxygen gets high enough.


"Scott!" He cries out.

I sigh when I realize that I'm not dead or dreaming.

I remember everything that happened in that dressing room.

Kirstie and Kevin rush to my side.

"Scott? Are you okay?"

I nod.

I look to my right and see blood and fluids being pumped into my arm.

On my wrist is the huge gash from the glass.

I look at Mitch and see that his hand is cut as well.

He must have helped me when I...


I lace my fingers with Mitch's.


A nurse enters the room.

"Looks as if you've woken up, Mr. Hoying. We're going to need to do some tests so..."

She glances over at everyone else and they quickly get up and out of the room.

Except Mitch.

"He's my... boyfriend." Mitch says.

"I understand, sir. It will only be a few minutes."

Go. I sign to him.

I love you. He signs back and leaves.

The nurse goes on about safety and stuff but I just lie there thinking,

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