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'Do you promise you won't make me get back with Marcus ?!' I giggled at my best friend Tracy , but also with a stern undertone
'But you were so cute together Eva !' She exclaimed while trying to pinch my rather chubby cheeks
'I know I know , but I can't help but think about that blonde girl when I look at him' I say softly  placing down the smashed ruby red photo frame with a snap of  myself and my ex boyfriend Marcus.

From all of the people in the world to find out from , I  found out from Marcus' best friend Kane . He explained everything that happened, well maybe not everything
, let's just say he gave me a reasonable amount of explaining , everything would have been too much.

** 2 Days Earlier **
'Well we went to a club just outside of LA ' He started
'I went and got drinks , then I came back to Marcus he was , to my surprise, he had gotten comfy with this blonde chick in one of the booths'
I felt tears welling up in my eyes , a million thoughts going through my mind
'Has he done this before?'
'Why would he cheat?'
'I trusted him'
'I loved him'
My last though spilled out of my mouth ,
'I loved him Kane'
'I know you did princess , he clearly doesn't deserve you , I don't even want to call him my friend anymore ' Kane blurted out cuddling you up to his Chest trying to hold back tears
'It will be fine , just fine'

** NOW **

'So should I wear the white to match my shoes or the pink to match my dress ?' Tracy questioned walking over to me with two bottles of nail varnish intertwined in her fingers on one hand , applying lipstick with the other.
I looked at the nail varnishes, 'white' I said quickly before applying the finishing touches to my makeup.
'I fell like wearing my black skin tight dress tonight trace , what'ya think ?' I said pulling my long sleeved dress from the wardrobe, accidentally dragging 3 other tops with it.

'Eva are you nearly ready?!'
I could hear Tracy's muffled screams through the door , I calmly explain
'Yeah , yeah , I'll be two seconds ' trying to hold back my tears
'Okay , I'll be in the car'
I hear Tracy thump down the stairs shutting the door behind her
'Okay Eva , don't think about him , be confident, don't shy out of conversations'
I lightly brush my hand over my hips before collecting my things and heading to the party.

                                                                                👑 END OF CHAPTER 👑

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