Her face scrunches up and she shuts her eyes. "He....I don't know, I wasn't there when he died, I only attended his funeral."

"Oh. . .I'm sorry," I put my hand on my stomach, that's awful.

She nods and we finally reach the washer.

"Is this everyone's washer, or just yours?" I ask.

"Are you crazy?" she laughs. "This is mine, there are so many people in this castle it would take so long just to do one load."

I sigh, is this girl insane?

We drop the clothes in the washer and she presses the start button.

"Hey, I'm going to go show off my new clothes," I smile.

"Okay," she brightens up. "I'll come too."

I stop. "Umm, okay?"

We walk down the hallway to Avery's room.

We visited Dezerea but she didn't really care so I suggested to tell Jace but apparently he's away. I was really trying to stay away from Avery but Andrea insisted.

The door is open but I knock anyways. He looks up from his bed and smiles but the smile drops a little when he sees Andrea.

"Hey," he gets up.

"Hey," I smile back.

"Hi!" Andrea waves excitedly. "I got clothes!"

I force a smile to look at Andrea. "Wow this is awkward," I say under my breath.

"Can you two still not touch?" she asks.

Avery and I look at each other and then look at Alexandrea.

"Nope," I say quickly.

"No," Avery shakes his head. "Actually we haven't tried."

"Oh yeah," she nods. "Probably better not to."

I turn my head to conceal my grin.

"Well I have to go, I have to do this thing with another thing...and yeah," Andrea nods. "I'll see you later, Elise?"


She walks out and only until we can't hear hear her does Avery shut the door.

"Hi," he smiles.

"Hi," I giggle and look down at his feet. "Why are you always barefoot?"

He looks down at his feet. "I have no need for shoes," he shrugs.


"I don't know, I don't ever remember wearing shoes as a kid so I don't wear them now," he says.

I nod and walk up to him. He swiftly grabs my waist. I run my fingers through his hair. "So explain to me how the immortal thing works."

"I see Alexandrea went shopping," Avery looks down at my clothes obviously changing the subject.

"A little too much," I say.

"I like it," he nods spinning me around. "It looks good on you."

"Thanks," I mumble.

"Come here," he gestures for me to stand on his bed.

He opens the window and I step up.

"Hey by the way, is Andrea bipolar or something?"

"I have no idea," he shrugs.

I nod. I know that she could really be bipolar, bipolar disorder has two stages: the mania stage and the depression stage. It doesn't change quickly like people think. The stage could take weeks or months to actually change.

Forever #watty's fifteen (2015)Where stories live. Discover now