[16] Boys like boys like girls do

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This one shot is based off the music video, girls like girls by hayley kiyoko. it's really cute and I recommend you guys watch it :)


Dan was walking home, blasting Car radio by Twenty one pilots through his earphones.

His face stung. His nose was bleeding. The area under his right eye was cut but he was happy.

Faintly touching his lips that were still tingling from what happened just now, he thought about the kiss and his smile grew wider.

-a few hours ago-

Dan rang the doorbell, waiting for his best friend, Phil to open the door for him but all he heard were moans and whimpers coming from behind the door.

Phil and his girlfriend, Faith must be at it again.

Tapping his foot impatiently, and growing awkwarder from the sounds he could hear inside, he rang the doorbell multiple times again.

Eventually, the door finally opened and there stood a sweating and pissed off Faith.

"You just had to come now, didn't you? Fun ruiner..." Faith muttered, rolling her eyes at Dan before heading back to the bedroom.

"He-hey, sorry about that. Faith was being really clingy and horny that it was getting annoying so I um yeah..." Phil blushed, zipping up his jeans and trying to smoothen down his sex hair.

"No, it's fine." Dan faked a smile when he really felt like puking.

He hated the fact that Phil was dating a bitch like Faith when he could do so much better. He didn't even know what Phil saw in Faith, she was just a horny plastic barbie with a shit personality.

"Thanks for coming over to help me set up for the party, Dan." Phil hugged him and his anger dissipated.

"Hey, anything for my best friend." Dan smiled under the hug.

Phil smelt like sweat and reeked of Faith's perfume but Dan could still smell the faint scent of strawberries and cologne underneath it.

"Alright come on, let's set up the inside first then we'll decorate the outside pool area, I have a great idea in mind!" Phil ranted on excitedly and Dan just smiled at how cute Phil was.

Phil was 25 but yet acted like a 10 year old sometimes. It was adorable. Dan liked this Phil more then when Phil started dating Faith.


"Oh my god, stop!" Phil shrieked as Dan splashed him with water from the sink.

"Not until you let me eat some of the chips!" Dan laughed and the splashing persisted.

This was the Phil that Dan knew and grew up with. This was the real Phil that Dan missed.

Suddenly, the door flung open.

"What the hell are you two doing? You're messing up the floor! God! Phil, stop being so immature. And Dan, clean it up now and stop making so much damn noise, I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." Faith shouted and slammed the door before storming off.

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