Chapter 1- A new beginning!

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Meet Myra

6 am

"Get up honey!! I don't think you want to be late?!"

"I am awake mom!"

I really wasn't a morning person. I zombie walk to the bathroom, where I hoped the shower would spray me awake. I emerge from the bathroom, awake and ready, packing my bag for the first day of graduation. I look myself up and down in the mirror, satisfied with what I see, I head downstairs.

"Ready for the first day?" mom asks.

"Totally mom. I hope it goes well!!" I reply

My mother leans over and kisses me on my forehead.

I feel anxious, the feeling zooming around in my stomach like a swarm of butterflies as I walk to the bus stop.

I have just shifted to Houston a week before for my graduation in Life sciences at the university. Along with my baggage and family I had got all the hopes and dreams tightly packed with me.

Moving to a new city was a different experience for me altogether. Everyday I explored new places, new food joints,downtown aquarium,art galleries, historical monuments and was busy exploring and collecting fond memories.

The bus stopped in front of my new college, and all I could do was stare in awe! It was enormous! The grass was a lush green, manicured to perfection. Trees lined the road, like silent sentinels, students where scurrying all over the place, some dashing in and out of doors, while others stood around chattering away with friends.

steadily made my way over to my building, feeling isolated as the newness swarm my senses. I finally reach my building of Life sciences and continue walking up to my class. Everything was buzzing with activity!

After a little struggle I finally found my classroom and sat on a bench in the middle row. After a while the classroom started filling in with students. Amidst all the new faces, I sat there and observed the class environment. Within 10 minutes a lady walked in with a few big fat books in her hands. She gave a warm smile to the class and started to introduce her self.

"Hello everyone! I am Miss Margaret and I going to be your Chemistry teacher"

"What a great start!!" I just sighed.

With this I immediately felt to run away from the class. No one should me that happy to be teaching chemistry! I hated chemistry with a passion!. I didn't like to be in the world of chemical reactions and chemical structures!! Nope, I just totally disliked it.

My love was biology! Always and forever!

Miss Margaret was happily bounding around the room, busy teaching the class lessons about carbon and various elements. And here I was busy sulking, trying to draw her caricature in my notebook. So engrossed in my inner sulking, I didn't even notice someone was watching me. I only became aware of this, when someone whispered in my ear.

I white knuckle my pencil, nearly snapping it in half as I tried to clam my erratic heart. I look over to the person, a wide smile plastered over her face.

She smiled at me and said "I believe you do not like chemistry" I could only nod, my heart still racing. I don't know how she manage it, but her smile seemed to grow even wider. She gave a enthusiastic nod. I smiled in return and voiced my inner anguish to a fellow captive.

"I believe I would rather sit through five root canals, than be here! I am Myra, what's your name?"

She introduced herself as Lily Reynolds. "Are you new in Houston?" Lily asked me.

"Yes" I said with a smile. "Its a new beginning for me!"

Lily, my new first friend since I moved to Houston. She was chattering away, only taking a few breaths here and there. After a few more questions, she firmly appointed herself as my guide, also labeled herself as my best friend.

Miss Margaret finally deemed it necessary to intervene, while I could finally process what just happened. So in less than 20 seconds, I somehow managed to make a new friend! Collage life, you gotta love it!

With that there was a new start to new friendships, new adventures!

Finally I have edited the chapter. I hope you enjoy this and read further! Thanks for choosing my book to read :)

I'm happy to announce that my book has been on the wattpad hot list now for a month and its current ranking is 295!! :)


Myra:Main lead of the story

Lily: Myra's classmate and her first friend in Houston

Miss Margaret: Chemistry teacher

Don't forget to vote before proceeding further :)

I am on Instagram now as janesmithauthor. See you there! :)

Happy reading :)

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