Chapter 30

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So I got in there and I sat on the stool'

yes dear father, what ever could you possibly want?

Dad: Lose the smart mouth. NOW.

Yes sir...

Mom: Now Kalie what is the matter with you. these past week you have done nothing but get in trouble, you don't come out of your room unless we tell you too, you barely even talk to us, and you're not have your usual troublemaking attitude, it's more of a disrespectful attitude..something you wanna talk about?

no. can I go now?

Mom: no. not until you tell us what's really wrong.

there's nothing wrong. bye.

Mom: Kalie sit your butt down.

as you wish.

Mom: Kalie. 'gave me a disapproving look'

what? don't look at me like that!

Mom: then don't have an attitude.


Mom: Kalie I'm sick of it. Quit either the attitude or you will be getting paddled from me and your dad and trust me you will have a very very sore bottom tomorrow. now tell me what's wrong with you.

mom I'm fine.

Mom: yeah you say that until you're self harming and being anti social.


Mom: I'm just making a point. I know several girls in your grade who are self harming. Kal you're my pride and joy and I know when something is wrong...I see you at home and school. you're troublemaking attitude is this attitude, you've been just downright disrespectful and calling Mr.Speir, know better than that and you know how he gets about that. you did it on purpose just to make him mad... sis something is wrong with you and I want to know. I love you with all my heart and I would like to know whats going on in my daughters life.

mom. can I go?

Dad: No. The more you want to leave makes us worry more and let's us know that something is wrong and that you're not telling us.

'i got up and went upstairs ignoring my dad yelling at me and mom telling mea not to run on the stairs..i stayed up there and when dinner came mom cane up..'

Mom: dinners ready sis..

I'm not hungry.

Mom: too bad Kal. You're eating whether you like it or not. I'm not letting you skip a meal.

you can fix it for me but that does not mean I'll eat it.

Mom: Kalie you're eating.

no I'm not mom.

Mom: Kalie am I gonna have to get your dad to make you eat?

Arguments and AttitudeWhere stories live. Discover now