Safe at Long Last

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Two days after tornado
Garroth's POV
" There's good news and bad news" I say standing up straight, hands behind my back looking smart as I talked to Lady Aphmau. "How about you come inside and sit down for a bit the kids are up in the treehouse so they're all fine." She says stepping aside to let me in. "I-i really shouldn't" i say, it's not like I don't want to but in her house... Alone... Wait this could be my chance to tell M'Lady... Maybe it'll be just right... Oh may lady Irene help me now. It's Friday and her house is under a massive cherry blossom tree so it's pretty much a perfect setting. (Yandere simulator reference XD I had to like #GARMAU4LYFE)
Aphmau's POV
"I-I really shouldn't" he says, he's cute when he's like this but he seems nervous. "Oh Come on Garroth please?!" I plead puppy dog eyes and all. "If it's an order" he chuckles as we sit at the table. "Just leave your shield and sword by the door if you want" I say smiling as he nods and leaves his things, "it's quite warm in here too if you want you can, take off your helm..." He probably won't but it worth a shot. (Before he takes off his helm, this is before they get the new uniforms) "yeah it is, you already know my backstory and everything so" he says removing his helm and wiping his sandy blonde side fringe out of his face revealing his icey blue eyes, the ones you sort of just get lost in *sigh* hmmm OH GOD WAIT AM I STARING. "Oh heh sorry about that" I say awkwardly rubbing the back of my head. "Oh yeah, it doesn't matter, we need to address the matters on hand" he says with a serious tone sitting down but he still gives out a smile. "Yes of course" I say trying to focus. "Bad news or good news first?" He says with a straight face twiddling his thumbs. "Good please" I say squeezing a smile. "Zane is dead and O'Khasis is at war with Scaleswind as they're blaming a magicks user of causing the tornado, I hear they have a weather fairy but that's another topic." He says his voice trailing off towards the end. We stare at each other's eyes for a bit before he continues. "I don't have to marry the Daughter of Scaleswind anymore but my father and four fifths of O'Khasis are umm gone..." He says being very silent looking at the floor. I want to get up and give him a hug...hmmm I say as I stand up and walk over to him and pat his shoulder. "I'm sorry I don't understand what you're going through" I lie... I don't want to hurt him more then this. Even if his brother and dad hated Garroth they were family and the most of the village he grew up in is gown he lost his home just like I did... I want to tell him my backstory... "We all know that's a lie" he says smirking. "What do you mean?" Oh god does he know about my village? I think " You never mention you're family... You can tell me if you like, YOU DONT HAVE TO but if you want to" he says faking out a smile as a bead of sweat drops down his forehead and he wait BLUSHES omg he's blushing what why does he... No Aphmau you're a Lord Damnit he doesn't love you... Not like that anyways..

I won't say 'I love you' ~ A Garmau FF((COMPLETE))Where stories live. Discover now