Mysterious Lady

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Aphmau's POV
I'm running through the forests I was being chased, I can't let them catch me. I know I shouldn't have ran away from Clovield (your home) but I can't stay there the war, the fire, the anger. It was my fault that fight started, I caused the flame. The anger in my father's eyes hurt, he hates me and now he is gone. The village is gone, my friend and I were the only ones left but we all split up as the guards chased us. I'm alone... I hope to see them soon.

I look behind me to see the guards are gone but I don't stop walking forward so I bump into a guard with brown hair and blue eyes. "Sorry I wasn't paying attention" I say. "It's ok it's entirely my fault, I'm Laurence" he says, "would you like me to show you around?" Laurence offers kindly as a slightly taller guard walks up behind him. "I think I'll be okay" I respond as the taller guard approaches me. "What is your name traveller?" He asks, "I'm Aphmau, I'm from- I was from Clovield" I say in a slightly sad tone. "Welcome to Pheonix Drop I'm Garroth, I'm sure you've already met Laurence?" He asks in a happy tone, "Yes actually," I reply, "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to look around." I say as I walk off. Garroth has a helm covering his whole face I wonder why it must be a personal thing as Laurence didn't hmm it doesn't matter...

A/N sorry long first chapter hope you guys ever like it XD I'm gonna Wright the next one now because why not

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