Dancing for My Life; 2

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The girl was gorgeous and looked vaguely familiar. She had long blonde hair with the cool Avril Lavinge-eqsue black streaks. Her cause of death seemed to be a broken neck, she had bruises and small cuts all over her body but her neck seemed to be bent at a odd angle. The hand also appearred when she appeared. Maybe the hand was like some weird thing that sorted people like the Voice said. Normal, Angel, Demon.

I wonder if you could be sorted as something else like, you could become like a werewolf or a vampire in another life. I so want to be a werewolf if that happens! I could go up to Talyor Lautner and be like 'I'm a real wolf, poser' and then fall at his feet in hero worship or hot guy worship, if you want to call it that.

The new girl began to speak in a soft voice.

"Where am I? What happened?"

The Voice began to talk agian.

"You dearie, are in the Second Dimension and you unfortunately tripped while walking down the hall and fell through a window, plummetting ten stories down to the concrete sidewalk below."

The girl was silent. Her face went even whiter then it was before. Thanks, Voice, tell the girl she's basically dead so bluntly. Slowly, she regained the color in her face and began to speak in a clearer voice.

"Is my body still in the real world?"

"Yes, Jac" the Voice answered.

Jac looked thoughful, she sure didn't look like she was about to pass out or anything like how i felt when I got here.

"What happens when I am here?" Jac questioned.

"That you will find out and Jac, honey, there is no need to say aloud your questions. I can hear them inside your head and if it is a personal question answer it inside as well."

Jac nodded. I noticed the wall had adjusted to the new girl too. It was a deep grey blue color. I wonder what that means.  

I zoned out and lost myself in my thoughts. What will happen to my parents? My body? Is time even the same here because if it is i am most definately legally dead in the real world? How is evey one coping? What about Noah? Does he feel upset about our fight before the performance? He was so jittery, warning me agianst performing. Like I wouldn't perform. I have worked towards that my whole entire life. Dance is my life, you just can't expect people ot suddenly stop competing in aomething they love.

I shook myself out of the funk i was geting into and began to wonder why th eVoice hadn't answered any of my mental questions.

"It is because some of them i cannot answer and some of them, I can feel that you really don't want them answered."

I jumped and glared at the ceiling. I was really starting to resent her randomly reading my mind like that. I noticed that now I was leaning agianst the wall and it wasn't zapping me. It was so comfortable. It was warm, plushy and felt just like my favourite Star Wars pillow back home. I leaned in deeper and began to drift off into dreamland.


So I finally uploaded! Yay me! It was more of a info boring chapter anyways. I will hopefully upload sooner next time :D

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 29, 2011 ⏰

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