Chapter 3

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Kaliah's POV

I woke up slowly, a mess of red hair in my face. I laughed softly and pushed Dana's hair away from my face. We generally spent our nights together. She didn't want to go home after the ball, saying she was too happy to go practice magic. She and I had enjoyed the night speaking about the guests, and killing off two bottle of wine that had been left over.

She rolled to the other side of the bed, and I took my chance to jump out quickly. I made my way over to the water basin and washed up quickly. I changed into a new pair of light pants, and long sleeve shirt. I grabbed my sword and cloak, and put them on too. I wrote a note for Dana, explaining that I was going out for the morning and I would find her later. As soon as I finished I walked out of the room, shutting the door silently behind me.

I walked down the long corridor replaying the events from the night before in my head. I walked down past the Prince's rooms, when I heard a commotion coming from outside. I glanced out the large window to my left, wondering what it could be at this hour of the night. After letting my eyes adjust to the darkness outside I saw two men fighting and a third on the sidelines.

"What now?" I sighed running out to the courtyard.

"Just put your sword away friend. There is no need for this. You are going to wake up half the city" Kain pleaded with the man in front of him.

As I got closer, I realized the man fighting Kain was Micah. What is he thinking?!? I sprinted to the two men, noticing the impatient face on Drayden's face. My anger peaked as I walked up to the two men.

"What the hell do you think you are doing" I practically growled at them.

"Stay back Kali!" Micah pleaded.

"That would be wise. Your friend seems to have lost himself" Kain said too calmly for a man with a fight on his hands.

"I am losing my patience with you child prince." Drayden said menacingly, but there was a slight hint of anticipation in his voice.

"What is going on? Micah, drop your weapon!" I said walking closer, hand on my blade in preparation.

My slight move caused Micah to lose it. He leapt forward for a downward strike on Kain. Kain went to parry, but Micah had stopped in mid air. His arms shot to his sides, and his sword fell to the ground.

"I warned you." Drayden said with his hand raised in the form of a fist.

"Put him down" I screamed, confused by this new information about the prince.

"Enough is enough Drayden. He has stopped. Release him" Kain pleaded, looking at my concerned expression.

"You forget your place Kain" Drayden said swiftly.

"You forget yours young prince" A voice violently said from behind us.

I spun, hoping and praying it wasn't who I knew it could only be. My mother. Her face was twisted in anger as the magic began to form around her hands. This is going to be bad...

"Brother please, this has gone too far" Kain whispered to Drayden, a pleading look in his eyes. Drayden's fist slowly dropped to his side, Micah dropping to the ground simultaneously.

"Mother, you need to calm down." I said as the situation diffused, anger still gracing her features.

"Quiet Princess" Drayden ordered, "we have things to discuss. Kain, stay with the Princess and Micah."

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