He ran a thumb across her lip, "Your voice is wonderful..."

She bit his thumb, sucking it into her teeth. He winced but did not stop her from her childish assault on him. She bit down on it until she drew blood, letting his finger slip out of her mouth. "I want to hear my name sung from your lips."

She stared up at him. "I hate you, Emile." She spat.

His eyes widened and he couldn't stop the chuckled that flew from his lips. "You...are very amusing, angel. But it seems I do not know your name."

She scowled. "You'll continue to not know."

His smile grew, "You'll tell me." Before she could retort his lips touched her neck, his tongue helping suckle. He swiftly placed her hands behind her, pulling her dress down and tearing the front of her nightie. She gasped.

"You animal!"

He ignored her and placed one of the bud of her breasts in his mouth. He ran his tongue over her untouched breast, shocking her. She squirmed. "You can't possibly be so lustful now!"

"Tell me your name."

When she refused to comply he continued his  journey, caressing and sucking from breast to breast.

A strange tingling began in the pit of her stomach and traveled to the center of her being.

She gasped, "Jewel. My name is Jewel!"

He pulled back, his breath fanning along her exposed skin. He leaned toward her, lips hovering over hers, "Jewel...it suits you." His voice was husky as he kissed her with abandon, his tongue slipping between her parted lips.

"Would it please you if I brought you to brink of ecstasy? Mon ange, Jewel." She shivered. She truly hated this man, and yet his words, his touch had her wanting...something.

She squirmed, pressing herself closer to the wall. "Our deal was consummated."

"I will have you as many times as I wish. The deal was not a one time thing. Though if you wish to fight me once more, we may put our deal into effect again."

His words had her raging. "You wouldn't dare attempt to best me twice in one day!"

He raised a brow, "The deal is rather fair. I give you a chance to best me and if you lose I intend to make love to you."

"It is not fair, not really! You are larger than I, not to mention stronger!" She snapped.

"You lie. I am but a man I can also be faulted, but as long as you give yourself up to the pleasure I can make you feel, I will agree to another challenge."

"Oh, go to the Devil you, cad!"

"So, I take it you concede?" He asked quietly.

Her cheeks turned pink, the image of him kissing her on her most intimate parts stuck in her head. "I... concede." She whispered.

They stared at each other for a moment, the silence passing between them turning electric. 

"Come here." He said.

She hesitated before nibbling her lip. Then she walked toward him, turning around so that he could remove her dress from her body. His hands touched her and she swore she felt the heat of his palm through the material. He fumbled with her clothing for a moment before she heard him cuss and suddenly he was ripping her dress off of her. She gasped. 

She turned around, absolutely flabbergasted, but before she could protest he was standing before her, his hands on her shoulder's. He kissed her silent, his hands yanking at the remainder of her dress and nightie. He deposited her on the bed as he began to take his own clothing off.

She wrapped the comforter around her nakedness and raised her chin, watching him as he moved hurriedly. 

He reached for her then, pulling the comforter away from her and tugging her onto her stomach. She fell, her face landing in his pillow. He straddled her before turning her around, catching her off guard. He leaned down and kissed her lips. She bit at his top lip, bearing down on it. He yelped, grabbing a fistful of her soft curly black mane and tugging roughly, pulling her head back. She let out a whimper, grabbing for his hand. "You're not fighting fair!"

He kissed her lips once again, gauging for a reaction that she fought not to give him. His lips danced a sensual tango across hers, his stubble rubbing against her chin.

"Is there a proper way to fight when it comes to you, ange?"

He spread kisses to her neck, her collar bone and slowly headed for her breast. She squirmed, her free hand latching onto his sandy brown hair, finding it as soft as it looked. She tugged at his hair with all the strength she could muster, using as much force as he was currently using. He stopped spreading kisses and groaned, staring up at her as she tugged on his hair.

"Vous etes un ange de feu...," he whispered before tugging down on her hair even harder, she gasped releasing her hold on his hair.

He slowly slid back up her body and ran a hand straight down her body, to the center of her being. He moved his fingers over her most sensitive spot and she sagged against him. He kissed her lips before positioning himself between her legs, and filling her to the hilt. She moaned against his lips as he filled her. Her hips bucked up off the bed, she placed her hands against his chest, her mouth gasping.

"Magnifique...," he breathed against her ear.

Then he began to move on top of her, slowly allowing her to adjust to his size. He wanted her to spasm with pleasure beneath him. He wanted her body to tighten around his shaft. He wanted to bring her to the brink of ecstasy. He wanted her body begging. She was stiff beneath him, clutching his forearms, her head thrown back against the pillow.

He moved a bit faster and she winced, but her pain came and went, small beginnings of pleasure taking its place. He leaned down and kissed her possessively, suckling along her swollen lips. Suddenly there was an unfamiliar pulsing between her legs, and it continued to build with every thrust. She arched her back, the feeling running up and down her spine. He ran a hand down her side, landing on her hip, he grinded into her. She snatched her lips away and a moaned slipped past her lips. She twitched as he continue his assault on her body, bringing her closer and closer to exquisite pleasure, and then it disappeared as quickly as it had come, he stiffened on top of her. His body sagging. His weight warmed her skin.

Her hands were laying at her side, she was staring at the ceiling , her breathing husky. He relaxed on top of her, his breathing shallow and calm. Her eyes widened. How was she possibly supposed to sleep with him on top of her?

"Get-," she swallowed, her throat extremely dry, "Off me, Emile." She could barely whisper to get her words out. But Emile just continued to sleep, his lips nudged against the crook of her neck. "God forsaken wannabe pirate, I hope you have nightmares of sharks..." she whined but it fell on deaf ears.

*Comment, like and share! No more for today...I'll be updating again soon! Until then!*

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