"Ha, well, luckily for me, I don't have to! I did today's homework yesterday. You wouldn't have to either if you really were better than me." Said Pearl snidely.

"Wow, you sound like that boring loser that no one want's to be friends with." Peridot returned, deciding to ignore Pearl's last comment.

Pearl opened her mouth to respond before the teacher cut her off.

"Pearl! Peridot! One more disruption and you are both out!"

Pearl's jaw dropped for a second before crossing her arms and leaning back in her desk angrily. Clearly, she wasn't used to being scolded by the teacher.

"Teacher's pet." Peridot whispered.

Pearl lost her temper

"Oh you little-!"

"Pearl and Peridot! Leave my classroom!" The teacher screamed, standing and pointing to the door.

The girls stared at him, wide eyed, Pearl aghast.

Peridot stood, mumbling to herself as she shuffled out of the room, leaving Pearl to look at the teacher, her eyes saying "you can't be serious".

After finally realized he was very serious, she let out a noise of frustration and quickly walked out of the room.

"Look what you did!" Pearl yelled as soon as the door was closed.

"Me? You started talking to me! Did I look like the kind of person you wanna talk to?"

"Oh, excuse me for not reading your mind and knowing you wanted to be left alone!"

"Well you act as if you're smart enough to know!" Peridot cried, throwing her hands in the air angrily.

Pearl crossed her arms and turned away her head, leaning on the lockers.

"Whatever." She said, suddenly defeated.

Peridot stared for a second before huffing and leaving back on the lockers as well.

"I have friends, you know." Pearl said suddenly.

"Oh yeah? Name them."

"Amethyst, Garnet, Steven, Lapis-"

Peridot chocked on her spit in surprise as began coughing violently.

"Lapis? Lapis Lazuli?" She said after the regained her composure.


"So you," Peridot pointed to Pearl "are friends with her? You get along? She likes you?"

"That's what friends are. Why, have you met her already?"

"Yes!" Peridot yelled a little too loud. She cleared her throat.

"Yes, we have met, and I'd even go as far as to say that we are friends."

Pearl scoffed.

"Oh really? I didn't think Lapis would like someone as self absorbed as you."

"How hypocritical! You were just talking about how you're too smart for class, you clod!" Peridot said, one hand on her hip and the other pointing at Pearl accusingly.

Pearl huffed and leaned back against the locker, arms crossed.

A few minutes later a student came out to bring them back into the classroom, and they reluctantly shuffled in.  Both of them agreeing silently not to speak to each other (Peridot hoped this would last forever), they took notes angrily.

The bell finally rang, and Peridot was glad to be done with that clod for the day.

Unfortunately, she was going to have to deal with her a lot more than she thought.

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