Chapter Ten // Cody

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- Cody's POV -

The outdoor cafe had a huge selection of healthy and unhealthy foods. Bethany grabbed the biggest paper plate and ordered a chicken burger, while Ella ordered a salad bowl.

We have to be careful when choosing what to eat as we are dancers, we always have to have something that will benefit in a positive way towards our bodies. I don't think a chicken burger will do much good..

After a minute of deciding I chose a ham and cheese sandwich, I took it over to the table where Ella and Bethany were already sitting.

"It's a beautiful day" Ella said while looking out to the sea, I agreed.

The outdoor cafe was on a pier which was connected to the academy. There were lots of people practising their routines and chilling.

Bethany was talking a load of rubbish about how she hates the academy but Ella wasn't even listening, she was gazing across the pier at somebody. I turned around to see who it was, and there sat bitchy Alison.

"Ella why are you looking over there?" I asked.

"She's not eating anything" Ella said quietly, Bethany looked at her weirdly.

"So? Maybe she had a big breakfast this morning or she's on a strict diet" Bethany said while stuffing her face with the delicious burger.

"Are you still upset at what she said to you?"

"No! That didn't even upset me, it made me angry" She said while sighing and looking away.

Suddenly my phone began to vibrate loudly and I pulled it out of my back pocket.

"Kill me, it's my mum" I whined. I got up from the table and accepted the call while finding somewhere quiet to stand.

"Cody my dear?" Mum shouted down the phone and almost deafened me.

"Hey mum"

"How are you my little prince?" She asked in her annoying posh accent.

"Stop calling me baby names! I'm 17 mum" I sighed, she began to laugh.

"You'll always be my baby, but how was your first class? Remember you have to try this year or you will be re-doing first year again next year" She went on and on and on.

"Yes mum I know. It went well actually, and I made some friends" I said with a smile while looking over to Ella and Bethany laughing at each other's silly jokes.

"I'm proud of you angel! Ok mummy has to go, your sister is warming up for her big performance.. That'll be you in a few years!!" She shouted happily, I rolled my eyes.

"Bye" I said before hanging up, god sake.

If I was allowed to do what I want with my life I think I would be looking after animals somewhere..

My sister is 20 years old and she's a professional ballerina. She went to this academy when she was my age, but this is what she wants to do.. She wasn't forced by mum like me.

I walked back to the table and grabbed my bag.

"Alright daddy's princess and little one, let's go have some fun!" I shouted with enthusiasm, Ella and Bethany cheered and we ran off into the academy.

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