Chapter Nine // Bethany

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- Bethany's POV -

Me, Ella and Cody made our way to the outdoor cafe on the pier. It was a beautiful day outside and I was craving a huge chicken burger.

"Bethany!" My dad shouted from behind us, I stopped walking and closed my eyes in embarrassment. Everybody around us stared at me and laughed as 'The principal' of the academy approached me.

"My office please?" He said before turning and walking back. Cody laughed loudly at my red cheeks, I hit him and sighed.

"I'll catch up with you later Ella" I said, she nodded and I left them.

My dads office was at the very top of the corridor so everyone had a while to stare at me as I walked down the corridor as fast as I could.

"Is Mr Hastings really your dad?" A girl asked me, I nodded and walked on with my head low.

I knocked on the door of his office and waited for a moment until it opened.

"Come in come in!" He shouted with enthusiasm. I sighed loudly again and sat down on the chair facing his desk.

"So? How did your first class go?" He asked excitedly.

"Fine. Can you not talk to me while classes are on? Everybody is staring at me now they know I'm your daughter" I complained. He pouted.

"Alright. Do your best in class Bethany" He said while opening the door for me, I grabbed my bag and stormed out.

I really wish I did well in my exams at normal school last year, if I did I wouldn't be at this stupid ballet academy.

I exited from a fire exit and sat under the emergency stairs, I'm already bored of this place and it's my first day.

I grabbed my lighter from my bag and the pack of cigarettes I stole from the corner shop.

My dads just mad because he didn't get the flawless daughter who is a champion at ballet. I'm just a bit of a fuck up..

My brother Miles is 22 and a fashion designer, he travels a lot so I barely see him. Which means I'm stuck with dad all the time.. The only good thing about coming to the academy is that I can meet new people and be away from him all of the time.

I grabbed my phone and flicked through my contacts to 'Mummy'. I sighed and called her, knowing she wouldn't answer.

"Hello it's Joanne! I can't take your call right now but I hope you're having a lovely day! Bye!"

Her voicemail message always cheered me up,  she sounded like she was having a good day then.

An alarm suddenly began to go off loudly above where I was sitting, shit it's the fire alarm!

I dropped my cigarette and ran out of the building quickly without anybody seeing me.

"Bethany! There you are!" Ella shouted from the water side. Her and Cody were waiting for me.

"Sorry, my dad can be really annoying sometimes" I muttered.

"Hey what's that alarm for?" Cody asked, I shrugged my shoulders and went to get my chicken burger.

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