Train Ride home

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Lucy's Pov~

We were on the train back home. Sting and Rogue were having motion sickness once the train started. Luckily I was able to make them fall asleep on my lap. Thankfully Frosch and Lector kept me company as we were heading home. I felt a bit uneasy so I looked around. We were in the fourth to the last cart so I was able to see the rest of the train from my window.

Suddenly I heard a loud explosion, I looked out the window seeing grey smoke coming out of one of the carts. I was about wake Sting and Rogue when two men opened the door to this cart. One man was buff, had long blond braided hair, and he was wearing a purple jacket with its sleeves cut and yellow skinny pants. The other man was skinny-ish, had brown messy hair and he was wearing the exact same thing as the other guy. "No one move or else," the buff guy said in a loud voice as he pointed a magic gun at everyone.

The guys started pulling and pushing the women and men to different sides. Before they came to my seat, I secretly gave Sting and Rogue a motion sickness pill that Wendy taught me how to do. The buff guy looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Well, well aren't you just a pretty little woman," buff guy said. I rolled my eyes at him, "Flattering me will get you nowhere." His smirk went away as he grabbed my arm, his strength was nothing compared to any of us. "Get your hands off me!" I screamed as I was thrown to the opposite side. I hit the train's wall with my back, this is going to leave a bruise.

"You should learn how to treat a woman right," I hear Sting say. "Oh yea what are you going to do about it, punk?" the buff guy said. "This," Sting punched the buff guy. "Len!" the skinny called out as he tried to get near him but Rogue stopped him with a punch. Both guys were knocked out pretty easily, I thought they could put up a fight, guess not. "You alright Lucy?" Sting said as he extended his hand for me. "I'm alright," I smiled as I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"We should get going. Others might need our help," Rogue said as he went to the door. Sting and I both nodded as we followed him. We made Lector and Frosch stay so they will be safe with the rest of the people in that cart. Entering the next cart there were men and women separated like they were doing in our cart. There was only one guy there, he didn't look that powerful. With one punch from sting he was easily beaten, for an organised crime couldn't they be a bit more powerful?

Going to the next cart there was again just one but he was different from the others. Sting and Rogue probably noticed it too since they started going to battle mode. The guy just stood there smiling not saying a single word.

"I'll take him on. You two go on ahead. I'll catch up in a little," Rogue whispered as Sting and I nodded and ran past the guy.

Rogue's POV~

Once Lucy and Sting passed the guy, I took my battle stance. "So you think you can beat me? Ha! As if!" the guy in front of me said still smiling. I didn't say anything but it seemed to piss the guy off. I took my cloak off and try combat moves on him to see if he would show me his powers. Lucky for me he did, I dodged the attack with ease.

I became a shadow and went behind him, looking everywhere confused. "Shadow Dragon's Slash!" I yelled as I came up from the shadows and had a direct hit. After the hit, he fell backwards which he hit a table hard. He was out cold, I tied him up with some Magical rope that won't let him use his powers or break at all. The passengers thanked me as I left, which I just nodded my head.

Sting pov~

Once we left Rogue to handle the guy in the other cart. We went into this cart to find two people and they seem tough. Key word seem. One was a woman which had a very revealing outfit, and to be honest it didn't really work for her. The other one was a man with some muscles and was a bit taller than me.

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