My saviors and used to be guild mark

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Lucy's Pov~

"LUCY! LUCY!" I hear someone yelling my name. "Mmmm..." I groaned as I tried to get up but failed as I was stuck between some boulders. "LUCY! Please answer me!" I hear a desperate voice coming from outside. I wanted to say that I was here but I didn't have any more energy left. "Lucy...! Please, I beg you show me a sign that your still there. I brought help," I hear the desperate voice again. I remembered I have an emergency hairpin whistle that I usually have in my hair. I took it out of my hair, then gathered as much energy I had left in me and blew on the whistle. "Do you hear that?" a different voice said hearing me blow my whistle. "Yes," the desperate voice and another voice said in unison. "Don't worry Lucy, we'll get you out of there. Just hold on," the desperate voice had said. I could hear the grunts and rocks being shatter to pieces as I laid on the ground desperate and weak. I saw light started seeping through cracks that were being made by the three voices. Before I knew it I could see three shadows rushing toward me. "We need to get her out of there fast and go to our guild," One voice said. "Lucy don't worry, you'll be okay now," the used to be desperate voice said. My vision became blurry and then everything went black.


"Mmmm.." I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. I blink a few times before my vision became unblurry. It seems that I'm in a infirmary seeing that it was similar to Fairy Tail's infirmary. I felt a hand holding onto my left hand, so of course I turned slowly to see who it is. "L-Loke?" I say softly since it was hard for me to talk. I think he heard my voice and sat up with a worried expression, "L-Lucy! You're awake!" I smiled and softly asked as he held my hand with both hands, "Where are we?" "We're in Sabertooth's infirmary," he said as I saw that he was holding back his tears. "Loke...," I softly said as I slowly put my other hand on his cheek. He then began to cry those unshed tears he held for who knows how long. "Shhhh..." I whispered as I wipe away his tears with my right hand. "I-I'm sorry L-Lucy... I-I was s-so s-scared that I was going to lose you," Loke said as he looked at me with his teary eyes. I looked at him and smiled, "Shhhh... I'm still here. I'm alive, all thanks to you and whoever helped you save me," I softly said wiping the last of his tears.

The door then opened slowly revealing the famous duo Sting and Rogue and their nekos Lector and Frosch. "Oi she's awake!" Sting said as he flashed a smile and walked towards me. "You've been sleeping for a week and a half," Rogue said as he followed Sting. "I better get going Lucy. I need to tell the others that you are fine and awake," Loke said getting up and placing a kiss on my forehead. "Please take good care of her for me," Loke said to Sting and Rogue. "Don't worry we will," Both of them said in unison as Loke went back to the Spirit World. I was then left alone with them, we didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. "Nee-chan does it hurt," I turn to look at Frosch who was now on the bed. "Frosch get down from there," Rogue said realizing that he was on the bed. "It's okay Rogue-kun," I said smiling then turned to Frosch, "It doesn't hurt that much anymore Frosch-kun." "You must be hungry, I'll go get you something," Sting said he was about to head out but I started to slowly sit up. "N-no, it's okay I can walk," I said but Rogue walked and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You should save your energy Lucy-sama," Rogue said looking at me and I nodded. Sting then left to go get me something to eat, while Rogue helped me sit up properly.

After Sting brought me food and I ate it all (boy was I hungry). They left me so I can rest a bit more. I really need to thank them properly after all they have done for me. I laid there for a while until I fell asleep.

~Next Day~

I woke up to the sound of snoring and me hugging something fluffy. I looked at what I was hugging and it was Frosch sleeping in my arms peacefully. As I looked around I saw Sting with Lector and Rogue sleeping in two infirmary beds. I bet they crashed here just to take care of me again, as I slowly began to get off the bed without waking anybody up. As I slowly got on my feet, I almost fell because how painful it was for my feet to touch the floor. I bit my lip as I slowly began to walk to the door of the infirmary. 'If it wasn't for my bladder I would have stayed in bed falling asleep again' I thought to myself as I painfully made it to the door. I opened it slowly and snuck out, 'Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom'. After finding three doors I went in one. I must have went in the wrong door since it lead me to the guild hall. Before I could turn around to find a bathroom, everyone saw me and two of them walked quickly toward me. "You're not supposed to be out of bed," A long blonde male said to me as he put my arm around his shoulders and his arm around my waist. "Let's walk her to that table Rufus," The male with green hair said doing the same thing the one in long blonde hair ,named Rufus, did but on the opposite side. They walked me to the nearest table as slowly as possible since they seemed to see pain written all over my face. They helped me sit on the chair and as they did that all the other members of Sabertooth crowded around me. I couldn't help but looked down, feeling shy as I blushed in embarrassment. "Hey give her some space!" The green haired guy yelled at the other members. They all then went back to what they were doing.

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