Chapter 12

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The General's Quarters

For a cyborg who didn't use water, food or clothing, the Quarters in which Grievous resided while not on the bridge were more than expensive looking and filled with everything an organic would need. Shaak Ti was extremly surprised when she entered the first room and saw a long corridor with a red carpet on the floor and decorated walls. Following the tall figure of the General from behind, Shaak Ti couldn't help but notice a symbol on his cape's back. On the white fabric of the cloak, there was a strange sign that went on all the sides of it. Shaak Ti remembered that the magnaguards were also wearing the same cape with some strange marks on their cloaks too. She was getting curious...
At last they entered a main hall which roughly resembled a room from the famous Republica 500 building. On Coruscant , that building, which was the tallest and oldest of the Republic, housed the rooms of almost all the senators and even Chancellor Palpatine's personal quarters. Shaak Ti was impressed by the design. She stopped while Grievous went to his desk. He turned around when he realised she wasn't following him anymore.
'What is it?
Shaak Ti just gazed at the room.
'I am just impressed, General. Does this type of ship come with such rooms for it's commander?
'Of course not! he stated bluntly.
'Well then, why do you have them like this?
'This is MY flagship, the cruiser in which the most important General of the entire CIS resides and stays for most of the time. And sometimes even Dooku stays here, so I wanted to make it as comfortable and good-looking as I wanted.
'Quite vanitous are you, General?she said smiling at his pridefull words.
He rolled his eyes annoyed and sat at his chair. His desk was equipped with a computer and data. He quickly deactivated them so that Shaak Ti couldn't see them. He returned his atention to her but he saw that she already took a seat for herself.
'The droid should bring the food soon.
He said when silence started to get in between them.
'Oh thank you again , General. I am really starving.
'Since you are fully organic it is obvious...he said as a matter-of-fact.
Shaak Ti looked around the room and saw some weapons displayed on the walls as well as some hilts. She frowned when she saw them. Grievous observed her and smiled to himself , then said mockingly:
'I hope you don't mind my trophies. If this is your reaction to a few lightsabers, I would imagine you seeing my entire collection in my lair.
'You shouldn't pursue vengeance like this...
'Oh, but I do! You have seen my daughter! It is your Order's fault that she had been living like trash for so much of her life! I won't stop until you have payed for your crimes!
'Still, that doesn't mean you must turn into a genocidal warmonger...
'I am not! My cause is just and honorable.
Shaak Ti frowned even more. Grievous was really thinking he was doing the right thing by killing all the Jedi.
'Well, when I return to the Jedi Council I will try to be more precarious when taking orders from the Republic High Command.
'That would be a good start. If all of your Order would be like you, maybe I would still be a simple tribe leader on my homerworld.
He stood up and went for a wardrobe of metal. Pushing a button, the object revealed a storage with cloaks. The cyborg pulled his white one away and set it in the wardrobe. While he was doing this, Shaak Ti observed that the same strange sign was on all of them.
She waited for him to close it and then asked:
'Your cloaks are quite unique.
The compliment made Grievous grin internally.
'Is that so?
'Yes, it restores some of your humanity when you wear them. But I also noticed that they have a mark on them. What is it?
'The mark is my family's hatchment, well... what's left of it. It is a reminder of my past.
'Is has an elegant design, I must say.
Grievous looked at her with his eyes a little widened.
'Stop complimentating me! What are you up to?
He approached her paranoically. His golden eyes were confused and angry.
Shaak Ti answered in a calm voce, opposite to the one of the General.
'Nothing, Grievous. I just seem to like your persona when not being hostile.
She finished with a soft smile. Grievous stood there surprised by her response.
'Well then... thank you...he said awkwardly.
A few moments afterwards a B1 droid entered the room pushing a cart with plates. That made Grievous return to his usual annoyed stance. He glanced at him and the droid backed away scared.
'Sir... the food you requested...
Before Grievous could say anything, Shaak Ti answered.
'Thank you for bringing it here.
The droid seemed relieved.
'You're welcome, Mistress.
The cyborg pointed his finger in the direction of a door at the left of his chair.
'Go in and prepare the food for our guest!
'Roger roger!
When the mindless machine dissapeared, Grievous returned his eyes back to Shaak Ti.
'Why did you act so nice that droid? You know they are expendable and stupid.
'Hatred and fury consume the soul of a being. You would be more happy if you would act more nicely to people around you.
'I am happy enough with killing my enemies.
'But you are more furious at times than alright!
'Whatever you say...
The droid reapearred behind Grievous and announced:
'Sir, the food is ready.
Shaak Ti wanted to thank him again when the cyborg spoke:
'Very well. You can leave.
'Yes, sir!
Grievous turned away to Shaak Ti with a subliminall stare. The Togruta raised an eyebrow but smiled noticing that Grievous "listened" to her advice.
She got up from the chair and went for the room from where the droid left. Grievous was right behind her but the same droid stopped him again.
'Sir, I must inform you that Captine Dofine wants to speak with you.
Grievous growled a response quickly:
'He'll have to wait!
Grievous then entered the room and looked at a table with many specialities of food. If he still could, he would have lunged at the table and devoured everything but now he only looked sad at it. Shaak Ti, who was already on a chair, saw the General's reaction and waved her hand:
'Sit down, Grievous! I don't like watching you stay up while I eat.
The General complied silently and chose the end of the table, far away from the food. Shaak Ti frowned.
'Grievous, come closer to me. Why did you sit there?
'Well, I don't use the food in front of you so...
However, he listened to her and chose to stay near her.
'Wow, you have some nice food here.
'The Neimoidians do like to eat expensive, even under my command.
Shaak Ti took a bite from the first meal.
'It is wonderfull... didn't taste something good like this for some time.
'Enjoy it then...
'I have heard that Qalisha called you a savior. Can you tell me why? It seemed rather unecessary even if you led your people to war.
She continued to eat while Grievous thought about it.
'It is a long story...
'That I would like to hear it! We have time, I enjoy listening to your past.
'Very well. As you know, my people... I lost the war because of your intervention... and to top our loss , the Republic imposed a debt to us, causing a great famine to my planet. Children were dying like flies and families used to feed by their dead grieffing...
Shaak Ti stopped chewing and looked sad at the cyborg. She wanted to say something good to him, but now, mentioning a Jedi teaching could only enfuriate him more. He continued:
'I had to do something about it, being the leader of many tribes, so I became the Intergalactic Banking Clan top enforcer. I was San Hill's bodyguard and henchmen.
Shaak Ti knew that San Hill was the chairman of the IGB. The company was a galaxy spanning bank that made up the entire economy of the Republic and the CIS. Trillions of credits were in their hands.
'As a payment for my services, San Hill single-handley paid for my entire planet's mistakes and even brought resources and help to the rest of the survivors. So, that's why many Kaleesh consider me a savior and hero...
The Togruta looked at the General shocked. She finished her meal and felt the need to applaud Grievous efforts to save the Kaleesh.
'You trully care about your people... I could almost say you are definition of a great leader...
'I did what was best.
'You are their hero...she said softly and then smiled at him.
Grievous didn't say anything but he too smiled to himself. He hasn't actually realised how important his help had been.
'I can't anything anymore... I'm full.
'You did quite ravage the table...Grievous chuckled while glancing at all the empty plates. Shaak Ti grinned at his comment. They continued to stare at each other until a droid entered the room.
'Excuse me... sir!
Grievous glared at the uninvited guest.
'What is it?
'Sir, the young lady wishes to speak with you. She was... persistent in her demand...
Grievous laughed at the droid making him back away confused. His happy stance was intrerrupted by a cough though. He resumed his neutral eyes and said:
'Bring her here. Tell all the droids that they shall listen to her from now on until she contradicts my orders.
'Roger roger!
The droid left. Shaak Ti gazed at the space through the window and said:
'How much until we reach Kalee?
'2 days at most.
'Did you take all the fleet with you?
'What a strange question... no, we are alone. No other ships. Are you planning to tell your Jedi to ambush me there and capture me so that they can bring me to "justice"?he said mockingly.
'Just curious, Grievous. But I assure you, your trust in me is not misplaced.
She said that while lifting her lightsaber hilt in front of her. Grievous took the oportunity to examine it's design. It was an unusual choice to have two buttons on a hilt and that crest whicj only made it more intriguing.
'A shame I had to give it back you. It was actually a pleasure to use it rather than others. At least yours isn't as boring...
'Well, the hilt of a lightsaber impersonates a Jedi's personality.
'Then you understand my point!
He pointed his fingers at her as if he was showing something special. The already Togruta's red face showed a brighter shade at the gesture the cyborg did. The General caught sight of it before it dissapeared and stopped himself confused. " What am I doing?" he thought surprised. He wanted to question his reasons more but right then Qalisha entered the room. She waved her hand at Shaak Ti and looked at Grievous:
'Hello again, father!
Grievous didn't respond, still pondering his thoughts.
'Please sit down, Qalisha. Grievous just offered me a delicios meal.
The Kaleesh girl took a seat and stared at Grievous intrigued...

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