CHAPTER 1- "But it's my birthday"

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"I've never really liked being home as a kid. I always liked to escape reality, for as long as I could. This summer was suppose to be unforgettable , you know? like my big escape and so it has  just not the way I thought I was going to remember."   "Is it better than  what you thought?" 

"i can't believe that I'm going to say this but yeah, it's better than what i expected."  "Good."


*walking home*

"Hey Scar, have you heard about the raffle in Warped Tour?-"  I sighed  "Well Bring Me The Horizon had the great idea to do the raffle , and guess what's the best part!" Emma asked

"What is it, I'm soo curious to know?!" I asked sarcastically . Emma noticed it but ,she still continued. "Whoever wins, gets to hang with the band for a whole three days! And gets to take a friend along. And since you have better luck than I do , you're going to enter it with me!"  *hmm. processing, Me? Luck? BMTH?!! OH NO! *  "There is no way  in hell!!-"  she interrupts me " Yes you are! Do it for me please?!?!!" I took a deep breath

Emma has been my best friend since we were kids. We didn't get along at first, she would always frustrate , and get me in trouble. But I knew all she wanted and needed was a friend, and then one day we just clicked. Since then she would get the best of me. Emma has also been a big fan of Bring Me The Horizon since they started, which I don't understand why, you could barely understand a word they say. And since she hears them everyday, some songs get in my head and that bothers me a lot. They aren't the best band around! But i try not to say anything rude about them ... at least not around her....I TRY!  "Fine! but only because Matt N. is actually pretty cute, and you like that other obnoxious,sad story of a band member ." "Yeah I really don't care about him" Emma looked at me with a 'Can You Not' face , and I apologized.

Emma would always take me to their concerts, which I hated. And I know what you're thinking, 'that's some friend' but i guess I don't mind. After all ,she makes it up by taking me to concerts that I want to go to, all expenses paid. As we were walking home, all that Emma could talk about is that stupid raffle. I usually listen to her silly raffles but i was just not in the mood, sooo I just tuned her out. Good thing she didn't notice. Aren't I just the best? When we got home, I greeted my parents , Emma and I gave them the rent money and went to our room. Ever since I turned eighteen I got a job and been helping out my parents a little so they won't stress as much. And since Emma lives there to she pitches in. As we walked into our room, I put my stuff on the ground and i plopped myself onto my bed, Emma did the same. While I was rubbing my eyes I was thinking about all the past show/concerts I've been to and how this Warped Tour would be unforgettable! I turned to Emma

"Emma , lets say we do win this raffle thing,... what will happen on my birthday?"  "Well that wouldn't matter because I would be hanging out with my favorite band." she said nonchalantly. I threw a pillow at her. "Ow!" she laughs , and so do I.  "But It's my birhtday!" I said with a chuckle. " Scar you know that I always do somethign for you!-" She pauses and looks at me with a smile. "You know what!, It's only five days til your birthday. Here." She reaches over her drawer, and hands me an envolope  "Happy early birhtday" she said.  I smile with excitement , but I open the envolope carefully, and squeal when I see what it is. 

"Chiodos, and PTV tickets! But I thought these were sold out!""Yeah well. I know a guy that knows a guy" Emma says casually.

"You're the best!!" I get up from my bed and hug her. " Oh it's nothing really, but you should go get some sleep, remember that tomorrow is the big day!"

" Oh right!, it sure is!"  I go back to my bed and get tucked in. "Goodnight Emm." " Goodnight Scar."


im sorry if this chapter is too long, but i hope who ever actually read this to the end is actually enjoying it c:, and if not, well that's too bad because I will still be updating this story. i didn't want to get to the plot just yet, but I promise you the story will get better... I guess. well you just might have to wait and see

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