Justin shook his head again, utterly shocked by her choice of names. "No, Hayley. She's not being called princess, or anything involving money. Why can't you go for simple names, like Ellie or Sophie."

She wrinkled her nose, "Because they're boring and stupid. I want my child to have a good name, a name that proves she's not poor."

Justin clenched his jaw, his hands instinctively ripping the page from the diamante encrusted book. His actions were similar to the incredible hulk. Bold and strong– all he needed was to turn green and grow another two foot.

"It's a no, Hayley." He ordered. His normal soft, gentle voice now replaced with a deep, angry gruff. "hurry up. We need to go to the surrogacy clinic and it's hitting rush hour."

With a huff, Hayley stormed from the living room as a bubble of anger pooling in her stomach. How dare he tell her she couldn't name their child? She was determined to coax him into thinking at least one of her chosen names were perfect for their daughter.

As Lux dumped her empty hot chocolate cup in the nearest trash can, she weaved between the hussle and bussle of New Yorkers as they rushed home from work. She had finished work a mere half hour ago, not even having time to stop by her apartment and change.

"Lux, do you think you'll keep Justin Bieber's baby?" A tall, six-foot-three man asked as she walked along the sidewalk, approaching the surrogacy clinic.

"No." She answered.

"Are you having twins or are you just binging on food?" Another rudely asked.

"Neither." She replied calmly. Their words were painful and of course they stung but she wouldn't let them defeat her. As she reached the clinic, entering by the gleaming revolving doors, the paparazzi stayed outside and made her breath a sigh of relief.

@luxyyy: Paparazzi are rude. #fact
@justinbieber: RT @luxyyy Paparazzi are rude #fact

"Appointment at 5PM with Maria Kemp." She told the snobby receptionist who pushed her designer glasses further up her pointed nose.

"Have a seat." Lux was told. With a nod, she wandered to the chairs and perched herself down on one. The place was empty, the classical music still played and the intoxicating smell of Pine and Cinnamon lingered.

From: Ruby (at: 4:48pm)
I need a large glass of wine, a sexy hot man and a big juicy bar of chocolate. But I guess I'll just need to settle for you tonight, you down? xx

Lux laughed silently at her best friend's humour. She had always been the sarcastic one, something many people didn't grasp but Lux did. She always said that was the reason they both have said friends, if the humour wasn't there, she'd be running for the hills.

To: Ruby (at: 4:49pm)
Aw shucks, that makes me feel special but unfortunately, I have to turn that every so kind offer down. I got dinner plans with the Bieber crew tonight xx

From: Ruby (at: 4:51pm)
Bitch, you hurt me. Guess I just need to settle for Channing Tatum then. Tell me how things goes tonight, love you luxywuxy xx

"Hope we're not interrupting your creepy smiling session." She heard the familiar raspy chuckle from above her sitting figure. She snapped her head up and saw Justin and Hayley standing in front of her.

"Sorry, I was texting Ruby." Lux apologised.

"It's not a problem." He smiled. "how you feeling?"

From the encounter Lux and Justin had a mere three days ago, they both felt slightly awkward but neither of them knew why. Of course they thought it was because of Justin's come-on but deep down, they knew it wasn't.

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