The Begining in the End

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Gerard stood outside Hayley's door, his hand raised and curled in to a fist, posed to knock. She was home, he'd seen her pass the window. She hadn't seen him. Gerard knocked softly on the door, shifting from foot to foot nervously. Answer, please..please, please, please. Nothing. No answer...but there was the sound of movement on the other side of the door. She wasn't going to answer, it didn't take him long to figure that out. So...he needed a new plan.


Hayley stood quietly, her forehead rested against the door and her hand on the knob. She wanted to fling the door open and throw her arms around the asshole that had taken so long to show up. But god it was hard. So she stood there, holding her breath while she waited. No more knocking...did he leave? what the hell was he doing? Come on! Don't make me wait!


Nothing could've prepared either of them for Gerard's next move, even he was shocked by the sound of his own voice. Weak from months of silence, he managed to whisper Hayleys name hoarsely. He froze, forcing his voice out a little louder this time,in disbelief of his own actions. "Hayley!". Okay. Better. "Pl.." He choked, coughing, his voice...still weak, caught in his throat. "Please open...the door.." He croaked, looking down at his feet. Hopeless. This is hopeless.


Hayley's head snapped up, her eyes going wide. No..he hadn't..had she imagined it? There..again. Gerard was talking! Losing basically all self control, Hayley flung the door open and threw her arms around the startled man on her doorstep, burying her face against his jacket. Coffee and cigarettes..he always smelled like coffee and cigarettes.

They stood there for what seemed like hours, wrapped in each others arms. Gerard occasionally whispering something into Hayley's ear. He stroked her hair and murmered sweet nothings, his voice gaining strength. Hayley seemed to fit perfectly in his arms, more so than Lynz ever had.

They held onto each other, silent and content. Gerard had found his voice and a new start, Hayley had found what shed unknowingly been looking for for years. And neither of them could be happier.

//A.N. so, I suck at endings.

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