chapter 6 part 2

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It'd been a few weeks, Hayley hadn't seen Gerard or heard from him. Shed stopped by his place but no one answered the door, he wouldn't pick up the phone. She was getting worried. She shouldn't get attached to patients but she couldn't help it. Gerard made her feel like she could help anyone. He would draw her comics, on a good day. And sit in silence while she told him her problems, on a bad day. They listened to each other. Gerard needed her because she spoke to him, instead of at him. Hayley needed him because he listened, no one else listened to her. They just threw her their problems and expected her yo solve them. Gerard and Hayley worked together, without even realizing it.

Hayley had realized how hard it was getting, not having Gerard around. Three weeks, two days and four hours since he'd stormed off. She missed him, it was horrible, and she shouldn't. But she did. And maybe Gerard needed that, he needed someone to care for him and miss him. Hayey needed to know that she had someone to care for. Someone to miss.

This couldn't continue. Gerard was stubborn, but Hayley was worse. She wouldn't give up. She needed him.

Hayley had been sitting on his door step for an hour in the pouring rain. Knocking, begging him to answer, crying and knocking again. She shouldn't be this scared of losing someone that wasn't even hers, but oh god, how she craved his presence. Please, you can't ignore me forever. I'm sorry I went too far. Please.


Gee heard Hayley pound on the door, he knew she was worried. He'd ignored her calls, her crying, her begging. She needed to leave. Gerard wanted to run to the door and throw it open. He wanted to take her face in his hands and- NO! Stop. He can't, he won't move from this spot on the couch. How dare he care so much for another woman? He looked up, listening. Silence. Hayley had left. Good.

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