The Therapeutic Effects of Tea - Part 11

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The Therapeutic Effects of Tea

by  sloanranger                      

Part  11

Agnes Brown was her name. And she was a pip Aggie was, a real pip. She could hoist a pint as well as any of the chaps at the pub including 'im. All 'is mates liked her and she could 'ave her pick of any of 'em.

But she'd picked 'im, Ernie Sibley.

He was cold and thought suddenly about his Mum. He wished she were alive and could meet his girl, especially now. Two weeks ago Aggie'd said they had to get married - and soon, very soon - she was in a family way.

Ernie had to be getting a bit a' cash, and quick.

Looking up at the window he couldn't understand what was taking them so long. Maybe Miss Vi was talking to her sister about him and Aggie moving in.

Miss Viola had a soft spot for him and he had confided in her. But Miss Verna would never agree to it; she was the oldest by three years and no nonsense about her. She'd know right off about Aggie's condition.

He reached up and snapped another twig from the yew. Skinning the leaves in his bottom teeth, he began working the twig between two of his right molars.

Upstairs Viola cleared her throat, signaling her older sister that she was about to bring up something bothering her.

"Verna, what if Mr. Sibley should marry?  He could, you know, he's still a young man. I should so hate to lose Ernest."

Verna put her book down and smiled at her sister. "Perhaps we wouldn't have to lose him."

(To be continued).

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