Skylar Dragomir: Sorcerers Stone and Chamber of Secrets

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Age: 11


Eyes:Blue with silver specks

Height: 5"8

I am Skylar Aurora Black and I am a witch. My father is Sirius Black and my mother is I have no idea.

My dad was sent to jail and my mother disappeared. So I was put in an orphanage.

My adopted parents were okay I call them mom and dad. Even though I wish my real father was here.

I am an exceptional witch so I have been told for my nack of learning things at a quick rate. I have manners since my adopted parents were pure bloods.

Don't get me wrong they don't hate muggle-borns and half bloods.

They don't really care, we just act as we do so we can be-friend the right people.

My adopted parents are spies, they are helping the good guys though. Throughout the years I have learned Occlumency and Legilimancy from Serveus Snape who is in the same predicament as my parents.

I also learned a lot of things that Hogwarts teaches in seven whole years, I can apparate and have a license to prove it, I also don't have a trace and could use my magic anywhere.

I am Skylar Aurora Black and I am an exceptional witch.


"Hey honey, can we get this one?" said a fairly nice looking woman.

"I don't know... how about we look around some more."

When the nice couple walked away I cried and used a spell without knowing and it brought them back to me.

"Honey did you... I felt.... wow." said the woman.

"Yes sweetie I did, she is really special. We can get her." the man said.

-few years later- age five-

"Okay Skylar," said Snape looking at me I'm going to look in your mind and you block me out of it, just like we practiced."

"Yes sir, I remember."

"Okay now," said Snape.

I felt something trying to get in my mind and I put up walls. To block the intruder.

"Great job, Skylar great work," he said smiling.

"Sir, you should smile more often it looks good."

"You want to know why I don't smile, try to get in my head."

I concentrated real hard and entered his mind and saw that he was upset from loss and he is a follower of the darklord, or was, so he masks his emotions.

"You're doing great," he said.

"Thank you," I said.

-Eleventh Birthday-

"Happy Birthday to Skylar, Happy birthday to you!" sang the guests.

Which only consisted with my foster parents but other than that, it was perfect.

"Mum, Dad where is Uncle Snape?"

"Oh honey, you know he has been busy." said my mother.

"Yeah," I said, "Just like the last six years."

"You'll see him soon." she reasured me.

"I know," I said sadly then to change the mood I said, "So what did you get me."

I was upset Uncle Snape isn't even my uncle but he was nice and when I was five he let me take breaks when things went tough. Unlike other teachers.

-End of flashback-

The End Forever.

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